This morning once again, Nathan came into my room to wake me up. He wanted me to turn on his television.
Let me explain, Nathan knows how to turn his television on, and change channels. He can sure find Sponge Bob when he is not allowed to watch it. So why is it that he thought coming into my room early in the morning was going to help anyone.
I replied,
"Nathan you can turn on your t.v." Oh my god, those words killed him. He started up with the ahhhh, kicking throwing himself on the floor. Nathan, is 4 1/2 years old not a toddler. That episode is the number one way to get me started on the wrong foot.
I don't think anyone, looks forward to waking up with someone, that instead of getting a good morning hug and kiss, it's the beginning of a south central stand off between the bad guys and the good guys.
Nathan was told immediately to go back his room, of course that didn't happened. Lets just say he returned back to his room.
However, it takes me a while to shake it off. I end up staying in a bad mood, we had fun plans for the day. When do I start cancelling all our events in order to show him fun events merit good behavior. Does everything become,
"if you don't do this, then you wont get this". After all he won't be the only one getting punished. Katelyn and I won't get to hang out with our family at Roxy's birthday party.
We all manage to get ready, I can hear Nathan going downstairs. A little later, he came in my room and told me,
"Mom I packed my lunch using my lunch box from when I was little."
Inside he had a banana, yogurt, and orange and a water. I found that to be an excellent choice of snacks.
What I mean by
it's not what you say it's what you do, this is a perfect example. Nathan watches me every morning pack my lunch. Trying to eat healthier and keeping the unwanted lbs.
I thought it was funny that he had the mindset to do that.
All until I found him and Katelyn, going through the bedroom trash sucking on pistachios shells. Really, Nathan you are going to pick those shells out from the trash.
I can say something over and over and over, it goes in one ear and out the other.
I wish he could see me sleep and he could sleep some more. That is really what I'd like to see.