Happy Halloween From your Favorite Doll

Friday, October 28, 2011
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Nathan's Face Paint
Hello to all, it's been a while since we have had a story to tell about our little Nathan.
It's 9:30pm, and Nathan comes barging into our room. Normally we would quickly correct him and return him back to his room. This time it was different.
I notice Nathan has red marker all over his face. I asked Nathan, "Nathan what did you do to your face?" He replies, "Katelyn drew all over my face...." LMAO hahahahahaha.
Katelyn didn't do that Nathan, "Yeah she did"
Ok here are the facts, Katelyn has been in bed since 8:30pm, No I would say Katelyn didn't do it.
It's 9:30pm, and Nathan comes barging into our room. Normally we would quickly correct him and return him back to his room. This time it was different.
I notice Nathan has red marker all over his face. I asked Nathan, "Nathan what did you do to your face?" He replies, "Katelyn drew all over my face...." LMAO hahahahahaha.
Katelyn didn't do that Nathan, "Yeah she did"
Ok here are the facts, Katelyn has been in bed since 8:30pm, No I would say Katelyn didn't do it.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Nathan gets benched at Little League
Nathan went to baseball practice and he was given three rules to concentrate on:
1. Don't cover your face with the glove
2. Don't play with the sand
3. When you throw the ball, watch where you throw it.
I asked him to repeat the rules to me and he did.
So we are at practice, I noticed that the head coach was actually coaching Nathan, not so much one on one but close to him, specific directions, he was on him. I thought, it's about time. Being Nathan's first season, zero experience, and everything is still new to him, it was probably one of the best moves.
Nathan was actually running his bases pretty good, he was throwing better than I have seen him throw, and Brian told me he was batting ok. So all in all I thought pretty good. I had to call him out a couple of times, in which Nathan replies, "Nathan, Nathan, Nathan!!!" I have to admit I got a kick out of that.
What I didn't get a kick out of is the coach send Nathan to the dug out, all I heard was, "Nathan go to the dung out"
You know I must have turned my head for five seconds, I then I watched my son walking towards the dug out.
I wanted to say what the F***. Really dude this is T Ball not the National league. Aren't you suppose to encourage these kids instead of turning them off to the sport. If you don't have the patience for four year old kids than go coach something else. I put Nathan In T Ball so he can learn sportstmenship, teamwork and stay busy. Not to get send to the dug out on a time out. He has me for that. Have you tried talking to Nathan? No you haven't. Even Pre schools do not give kids a time out, because its shameful and a form of punishment.
How are you going to do that to Nathan, I really felt like having some words with this man. But I walked away. He did talk to Nathan after the practice but I disagreed on how he addressed it. Every kid has their quirk, not every child at four years old listen to specific instructions and most four year old children aren't going to stay focus for an hour. New flash coach.....You were an educator right?????
1. Don't cover your face with the glove
2. Don't play with the sand
3. When you throw the ball, watch where you throw it.
I asked him to repeat the rules to me and he did.
So we are at practice, I noticed that the head coach was actually coaching Nathan, not so much one on one but close to him, specific directions, he was on him. I thought, it's about time. Being Nathan's first season, zero experience, and everything is still new to him, it was probably one of the best moves.
Nathan was actually running his bases pretty good, he was throwing better than I have seen him throw, and Brian told me he was batting ok. So all in all I thought pretty good. I had to call him out a couple of times, in which Nathan replies, "Nathan, Nathan, Nathan!!!" I have to admit I got a kick out of that.
What I didn't get a kick out of is the coach send Nathan to the dug out, all I heard was, "Nathan go to the dung out"
You know I must have turned my head for five seconds, I then I watched my son walking towards the dug out.
I wanted to say what the F***. Really dude this is T Ball not the National league. Aren't you suppose to encourage these kids instead of turning them off to the sport. If you don't have the patience for four year old kids than go coach something else. I put Nathan In T Ball so he can learn sportstmenship, teamwork and stay busy. Not to get send to the dug out on a time out. He has me for that. Have you tried talking to Nathan? No you haven't. Even Pre schools do not give kids a time out, because its shameful and a form of punishment.
How are you going to do that to Nathan, I really felt like having some words with this man. But I walked away. He did talk to Nathan after the practice but I disagreed on how he addressed it. Every kid has their quirk, not every child at four years old listen to specific instructions and most four year old children aren't going to stay focus for an hour. New flash coach.....You were an educator right?????
Nathan Little Lies
We were getting ready to leave this morning, I was grabbing some few things out of my bedroom. Nathan and Katelyn were in the hallway. I heard banging, wasn't really sure what it was or where it was coming from. I walked back to the hallway and Katelyn tells me, "Hurt Fish", Hurt Fish".
Umm I knew exactly what she meant, "I said Nathan were you banging the fish tank?" You are going to scare the fish. Nathan replies, "No Mommy it wasn't me, it was Katelyn, she brought a chair and bang the fish tank and hurried up and put it away before you came."
OK first of all I was gone 20 seconds. You mean to tell me your toddler sister, who can barely carry a cup in one hand and a toy in another without falling. She brought the stool over, bang the fish tank and ran back and put the step stool away without any trace or evidence of such event occurring. Nathan's response, "Yes mommy Katelyn did it." I tried to explain to Nathan that Katelyn is talking more and she can actually tell me what happened, so his version won't always be the only version.
In addition, I have caught Nathan in some very elaborate lies, he has been coming up with the most outrageous chain of events, and Katelyn always seems to be the guilty one.
I don't think Nathan realizes that Katelyn is still not capable of doing all the things his imaginations leads him to believe she can do, thus turning into Nathan little lies.....
Umm I knew exactly what she meant, "I said Nathan were you banging the fish tank?" You are going to scare the fish. Nathan replies, "No Mommy it wasn't me, it was Katelyn, she brought a chair and bang the fish tank and hurried up and put it away before you came."
OK first of all I was gone 20 seconds. You mean to tell me your toddler sister, who can barely carry a cup in one hand and a toy in another without falling. She brought the stool over, bang the fish tank and ran back and put the step stool away without any trace or evidence of such event occurring. Nathan's response, "Yes mommy Katelyn did it." I tried to explain to Nathan that Katelyn is talking more and she can actually tell me what happened, so his version won't always be the only version.
In addition, I have caught Nathan in some very elaborate lies, he has been coming up with the most outrageous chain of events, and Katelyn always seems to be the guilty one.
I don't think Nathan realizes that Katelyn is still not capable of doing all the things his imaginations leads him to believe she can do, thus turning into Nathan little lies.....
How do I explain it
This morning I woke up got in the shower. I brushed my teeth, As I was brushing my teeth, Nathan walks in and says, "Mommy why do you brush your teeth in the morning?"
I should have said, "Because it's important to brush our teeth and keep our teeth healthy and have pearly whites."
But it was the morning and I was tired, so I could not come up with a good explanation other than, Well people (I at the time) have bad breath in the morning. It sounded so ugly and disgusting. I quickly tried to rectify it and call it morning breath. But Nathan was quicker than I could think at the time and said, "I don't have to brush my teeth in the morning because I don't have bad breath in the morning, right mommy"
Newsflash Nathan, yes you do. So in the morning when mommy says, "Let's go brush your teeth, it's not because we want to, but I could still smell last night's dinner on your breath."
I know that the question of brushing your teeth is one of the many first to follow, "Daddy why do you shave, why do you put deodorant on, why this why that. In four year old terms How Do I explain it........
I should have said, "Because it's important to brush our teeth and keep our teeth healthy and have pearly whites."
But it was the morning and I was tired, so I could not come up with a good explanation other than, Well people (I at the time) have bad breath in the morning. It sounded so ugly and disgusting. I quickly tried to rectify it and call it morning breath. But Nathan was quicker than I could think at the time and said, "I don't have to brush my teeth in the morning because I don't have bad breath in the morning, right mommy"
Newsflash Nathan, yes you do. So in the morning when mommy says, "Let's go brush your teeth, it's not because we want to, but I could still smell last night's dinner on your breath."
I know that the question of brushing your teeth is one of the many first to follow, "Daddy why do you shave, why do you put deodorant on, why this why that. In four year old terms How Do I explain it........
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Nathan and the Anaheim Ducks
Lets Play Hockey
Nathan welcomes you to Honda Center, where the Ducks face off with the St. Louis Blues
Final Score: Ducks 4 St. Louis went home crying the Blues as they lost with a score of 2.
Corey Perry #10 won the Heart Trophy for MOST VALUABLE PLAYER
Corey Perry #10 won the Heart Trophy for MOST VALUABLE PLAYER
Nathan enjoyed the game, with popcorn, ice cream and lemonade.
See you at the next game Duck Fans and keep a look out for this Duck Fan
Nathan goes to the Pumpkin Patch
You think he picked a small Pumpkin, Think Again....
That is more like it, Nathan Always go bigger...
Ride though a little hay and .....
Get a chance to fed a lazy goat.
All in a days work
Monday, October 10, 2011
Nathan's Little league
Nathan has the look down, now he just needs to improve his game. He is successful at running bases.
We are working on his attention span out in the field. Any recommendations????
A special Drink
Nathan asked me yesterday, "Mommy I want a special Drink."
In my mind, I thought Gatorade, soda, what does Nathan think is a 'special Drink.
He says to me, "I want water, Juice, ice, strawberries and salt."
He just gave me the recipe for A Strawberry Margarita, did someone send him to bartender school already.
I asked Nathan, "Nathan do you want a margarita?" He smiles and gives me that devious look. OH BOY....
I told him you can have everything, but lets hold the salt.
In my mind, I thought Gatorade, soda, what does Nathan think is a 'special Drink.
He says to me, "I want water, Juice, ice, strawberries and salt."
He just gave me the recipe for A Strawberry Margarita, did someone send him to bartender school already.
I asked Nathan, "Nathan do you want a margarita?" He smiles and gives me that devious look. OH BOY....
I told him you can have everything, but lets hold the salt.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Good Night
For a while now, Nathan has entered a new stage in which he loves to play games at night. After we tuck him in, all of the sudden he hears noises inside his room, or he is hungry or thirsty, or he needs to go potty. Anything and everything he could think of.
So today, I am riding solo and I know I have to maintain my composure and exercise much patience.
I have also been getting not so nice notes from school, regarding certain remarks Nathan has been heard saying.
Apparently, he told somebody, "Your acting like a fool"... WHAT WERE YOU THINKING HE SAID? Nonetheless, that is a violation of conduct at school.
It may not seem like something very serious but I don't want to hear that coming from Nathan.
Today, after a long talk yesterday,Nathan had a "GOOD DAY" at school. I rewarded him by taking him to eat at his favorite pizza place, Red Brick Pizza, he had a salad, hahaha and pizza too.
After we went to the park and played tag.
As we were coming home, he asked if we can draw pictures. So I brought out scissors, glue, paper, etc. Nathan made a nice card for his daddy. (Check it out, when you get home shooter).
We then came upstairs and both him and K took their baths, all cleaned and in Pjs. Now they are both hungry again.
We go back downstairs for a snack. I am preparing Katelyn to say good night to Nathan.
I take K to her room, and specifically tell the little tornado, Nathan that I will be back for him and tuck him in and to please wait for me in his bedroom.
Of course, that wasn't going to happen, he goes inside Katelyn's room, turns on the lights, and asked me how long will it be before I go to his room. I said, "5 minutes".
Well I make it back to Nathan's room only to find him in my room, probably trying to get something he wasn't suppose to.
We return to his room and read a book. I specifically said only one book. At the end of the story he gets upset because I am not reading another book. I firmly told him that I wasn't going to read another book and he could get one himself and read it in bed. He didn't like that. Nathan tries to block the door to prevent me from leaving. Really, Nathan? You and your 46 lbs, 43 inches is going to stop me?
He was unsuccessful, so he runs around into my bedroom, thinking it was funny. My blood pressure is going higher and higher, and mommy dearest is getting tired of being nice. I instructed Nathan to return to his room, NOW, he replies, "Spank Me." It was more like a dare and I figured it out, he is trying to sucker me into a rapidly evolving and uncertain situation, some of you follow me?
I told Nathan, "I am not going to spank you Nathan, I am going to rip the t.v off the wall from your room and take your toys." Nathan by his own accord, marched his way back into his room. Remind you of any people we deal with when we are trying to achieve something?
So as I attempted to wine down, who comes marching back in my room? I was ready for war, However, my dear Nathan walks up to my bed and I could see he is holding my Tiffany and Co ring, He says, "Mommy I found this in my room, on top of the dresser, I knew you would want it"
Ahhh is he a sweetheart? Thank You Nathan and Good Night
So today, I am riding solo and I know I have to maintain my composure and exercise much patience.
I have also been getting not so nice notes from school, regarding certain remarks Nathan has been heard saying.
Apparently, he told somebody, "Your acting like a fool"... WHAT WERE YOU THINKING HE SAID? Nonetheless, that is a violation of conduct at school.
It may not seem like something very serious but I don't want to hear that coming from Nathan.
Today, after a long talk yesterday,Nathan had a "GOOD DAY" at school. I rewarded him by taking him to eat at his favorite pizza place, Red Brick Pizza, he had a salad, hahaha and pizza too.
After we went to the park and played tag.
As we were coming home, he asked if we can draw pictures. So I brought out scissors, glue, paper, etc. Nathan made a nice card for his daddy. (Check it out, when you get home shooter).
We then came upstairs and both him and K took their baths, all cleaned and in Pjs. Now they are both hungry again.
We go back downstairs for a snack. I am preparing Katelyn to say good night to Nathan.
I take K to her room, and specifically tell the little tornado, Nathan that I will be back for him and tuck him in and to please wait for me in his bedroom.
Of course, that wasn't going to happen, he goes inside Katelyn's room, turns on the lights, and asked me how long will it be before I go to his room. I said, "5 minutes".
Well I make it back to Nathan's room only to find him in my room, probably trying to get something he wasn't suppose to.
We return to his room and read a book. I specifically said only one book. At the end of the story he gets upset because I am not reading another book. I firmly told him that I wasn't going to read another book and he could get one himself and read it in bed. He didn't like that. Nathan tries to block the door to prevent me from leaving. Really, Nathan? You and your 46 lbs, 43 inches is going to stop me?
He was unsuccessful, so he runs around into my bedroom, thinking it was funny. My blood pressure is going higher and higher, and mommy dearest is getting tired of being nice. I instructed Nathan to return to his room, NOW, he replies, "Spank Me." It was more like a dare and I figured it out, he is trying to sucker me into a rapidly evolving and uncertain situation, some of you follow me?
I told Nathan, "I am not going to spank you Nathan, I am going to rip the t.v off the wall from your room and take your toys." Nathan by his own accord, marched his way back into his room. Remind you of any people we deal with when we are trying to achieve something?
So as I attempted to wine down, who comes marching back in my room? I was ready for war, However, my dear Nathan walks up to my bed and I could see he is holding my Tiffany and Co ring, He says, "Mommy I found this in my room, on top of the dresser, I knew you would want it"
Ahhh is he a sweetheart? Thank You Nathan and Good Night
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Ever walk around the house trying to remember where you left your keys? Yes I know there are some people who loose everything and are very forgetful. I am not one of those people. I can remember what you said and what you wore at a simple get together 5 years ago.
However, when you add the tension of Nathan and Katelyn, things can go SOUTH, very quick. I knew I had the keys because I opened the front door. I was carrying K up the stairs because she was asleep and I was trying to get Nathan down as well. That was the last time I saw the keys.
So I am trying to find my keys to get to the grocery store. I was trying to remember, I look at Katelyn and asked her, "Katelyn Have you seen my keys?" But only to be funny. She replies, "YEEES" HUH..... Confused and delusional I asked, "Where are mommy's keys?" She points upstairs. My mind is racing, where did I leave them and how long did 'they have my keys.
I start to go upstairs, and Nathan yells, "They are on top of the hockey table" My first instinct was to ignore him, but they are becoming pretty precise on what they say. I know I didn't go inside the hockey room all day, so what would they be doing in there.
I walk inside the hockey room, and sure enough they are on top of what Nathan calls the "Hockey table". I walk back downstairs and asked, Who was playing with my keys,
Nathan were you playing with my keys? Nathan replies, Yes
Katelyn were you playing with my keys? Katelyn replies, Yes
I told them both, I hope you didn't unlock the car and let a bad guy get away with YOUR baseball bat. Nathan didn't think it was funny any more.
However, when you add the tension of Nathan and Katelyn, things can go SOUTH, very quick. I knew I had the keys because I opened the front door. I was carrying K up the stairs because she was asleep and I was trying to get Nathan down as well. That was the last time I saw the keys.
So I am trying to find my keys to get to the grocery store. I was trying to remember, I look at Katelyn and asked her, "Katelyn Have you seen my keys?" But only to be funny. She replies, "YEEES" HUH..... Confused and delusional I asked, "Where are mommy's keys?" She points upstairs. My mind is racing, where did I leave them and how long did 'they have my keys.
I start to go upstairs, and Nathan yells, "They are on top of the hockey table" My first instinct was to ignore him, but they are becoming pretty precise on what they say. I know I didn't go inside the hockey room all day, so what would they be doing in there.
I walk inside the hockey room, and sure enough they are on top of what Nathan calls the "Hockey table". I walk back downstairs and asked, Who was playing with my keys,
Nathan were you playing with my keys? Nathan replies, Yes
Katelyn were you playing with my keys? Katelyn replies, Yes
I told them both, I hope you didn't unlock the car and let a bad guy get away with YOUR baseball bat. Nathan didn't think it was funny any more.
I Carley, I Nathan
Today Nate, Kate and I had a day at the mall. It has been a while since mommy got that.
After some shopping, we stopped off at the food court for lunch. Nathan got a Happy meal.
I noticed Nathan looking at the box, he pulls it closer and says, "I Carley" Shocked I asked, "Nathan what do you know of I Carly?"
In a quick thought, to myself, "WOW Did he just read that," or does he recognized her and even more concern, why did he recognized her." More concerning why do I know this.
Nathan, smirks at me, "I Know" I ask him, " Nathan do you watch I Carly, is that why you think your a teenager?"
Nathan smiles, But I know Nathan's smiles and that smile said a lot.
Fast forward to this evening. I walk into Nathan's room and he is watching some Disney show. I said to him, "You do watch I Carley" Ha ha he got caught. It turns out its Pair of Kings similar to I Carly. Somehow, he thinks it's a show not fit for him. Ummm sneaky little people.
After some shopping, we stopped off at the food court for lunch. Nathan got a Happy meal.
I noticed Nathan looking at the box, he pulls it closer and says, "I Carley" Shocked I asked, "Nathan what do you know of I Carly?"
In a quick thought, to myself, "WOW Did he just read that," or does he recognized her and even more concern, why did he recognized her." More concerning why do I know this.
Nathan, smirks at me, "I Know" I ask him, " Nathan do you watch I Carly, is that why you think your a teenager?"
Nathan smiles, But I know Nathan's smiles and that smile said a lot.
Fast forward to this evening. I walk into Nathan's room and he is watching some Disney show. I said to him, "You do watch I Carley" Ha ha he got caught. It turns out its Pair of Kings similar to I Carly. Somehow, he thinks it's a show not fit for him. Ummm sneaky little people.
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Nathan stresses out
This morning Nathan tells me, "mommy I don't want to go to baseball." Umm sounds like someone is stressing out. I got a little sad, and I told him "that makes me sad because I was looking forward to watching you play." He quickly replies, "I want to go to baseball."
It's funny to hear kids want to please their parents, But I also want to teach him that when he starts something, he needs to finish it. He can't just quit because it's too challenging or he thinks its too hard.
To make him feel better, he asked me if he could wear his suit, and that before his baseball game he will change into his baseball uniform and change again for the party tonight.
So Nathan is walking around in a suit and tie with no where to go for now.
Dad asked Nathan, "Are you seriously going out like that?" Nathan replies, "I can go." Brian offers an idea to take off the vest because it's hot. Nathan replies, "No!" He is serious about his wardrobe and nobody changes his mind.
We will keep you posted on how Nathan handles his stress in the field.
It's funny to hear kids want to please their parents, But I also want to teach him that when he starts something, he needs to finish it. He can't just quit because it's too challenging or he thinks its too hard.
To make him feel better, he asked me if he could wear his suit, and that before his baseball game he will change into his baseball uniform and change again for the party tonight.
So Nathan is walking around in a suit and tie with no where to go for now.
Dad asked Nathan, "Are you seriously going out like that?" Nathan replies, "I can go." Brian offers an idea to take off the vest because it's hot. Nathan replies, "No!" He is serious about his wardrobe and nobody changes his mind.
We will keep you posted on how Nathan handles his stress in the field.
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