Sunday, October 2, 2011


Ever walk around the house trying to remember where you left your keys?  Yes I know there are some people who loose everything and are very forgetful.  I am not one of those people.  I can remember what you said and what you wore at a simple get together 5 years ago.

However, when you add the tension of Nathan and Katelyn, things can go SOUTH, very quick.  I knew I had the keys because I opened the front door.  I was carrying K up the stairs because she was asleep and I was trying to get Nathan down as well.  That was the last time I saw the keys.

So I am trying to find my keys to get to the grocery store.  I was trying to remember, I look at Katelyn and asked her, "Katelyn Have you seen my keys?" But only to be funny. She replies, "YEEES" HUH..... Confused and delusional I asked, "Where are mommy's keys?" She points upstairs.  My mind is racing, where did I leave them and how long did  'they have my keys.

I start to go upstairs, and Nathan yells, "They are on top of the hockey table" My first instinct was to ignore him, but they are becoming pretty precise on what they say.  I know I didn't go inside the hockey room all day, so what would they be doing in there.

I walk inside the hockey room, and sure enough they are on top of what Nathan calls the "Hockey table".  I walk back downstairs and asked, Who was playing with my keys,

Nathan were you playing with my keys?  Nathan replies, Yes

Katelyn were you playing with my keys? Katelyn replies, Yes

I told them both, I hope you didn't unlock the car and let a bad guy get away with YOUR baseball bat.  Nathan didn't think it was funny any more.

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