We sat down for dinner. Everything seemed to be going very well. (For about 5 minutes). However, five minutes in this house is a long time.
All of the sudden things took a change for the worse from 0 to 150,,,Brian's speed.
Apparently, Katelyn and Nathan don't like corn. However, Nathan had an incentive. When he finished his dinner, he would get a piece of pumpkin pie and watch a movie.
Katelyn doesn't understand that concept just yet. All Katelyn knew is that she wanted more garlic bread, Dad was determined not to give in until she ate her food.
It got to the point where Dad began to feed her, only to have Katelyn spit it out (Like when she was 6 months LMAO).
Well Dad did not like this. Katelyn was put on time out. It got to the point Dad even moved the play Kitchen, Katelyn would move it back. Both went back and forth, back and forth. LOL.......
As dad was guarding Katelyn on her time out, she would get up, Dad would walk towards her and she would plant her behind on the floor. This went on three or four times For the first time what I was witnessing was comical. Dad was literally arguing with this two year old. Nathan says, "Dad you need to be nice to MY sister, you need to go upstairs."
Dad responded with a firm, "No". I have never seen Katelyn so upset. She cried and cried and cried. All she wanted was a piece of garlic bread.
Does anyone know the number to Nanny 911.....
Nope she did not get her piece of garlic bread, what she got was taken upstairs and given her bath. She was still crying.
Mean while, Nathan is chilling like a cucumber watching Johnny Bravo.
What Nathan doesn't do in one night, Katelyn sure made up for it.
Now she is asking me for food. Well Well you should have ate your dinner little lady.
She is with mommy now

Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Saturday, November 26, 2011
What happened to the Dish soap
Yesterday morning Nathan was kind enough to let me sleep in. Around 7:30am he came into my room, saying, "Mommy I need a little help," I noticed he was coming from downstairs. OH BOY. He said, "I need help with my waffle" I get downstairs and saw he had a toaster struddle out. He told me that he didn't know how to use the toaster. All I am thinking, "THANK GOD."
He says, "Look mommy I took out my waffle and cream" I see Nathan, that is very good. Just to let you know Nathan, You never, never place your hands inside the toaster OK. "OK Mommy"
Nathan returns upstairs with his breakfast. Ok, now it's time for mommy to get showered and ready.
I return back to Nathan's room, only to find him in the bathroom, "Mommy, I am washing dishes." I see that he has the hand soap and all the towels are wet. "Nathan, lets not do this ok. And why is the mirror all wet? "Because I was washing it.", he says. No No let us clean up and go.
Fast forward to this morning, once again Nathan comes into the bedroom, he says he is hungry. We both go downstairs. He asked for two devil eggs, one yogurt and juice. Back up to his room we go. I returned to bed, everyone else was still asleep just like I'd like to be.
About thirty minutes later, I heard Nathan in his bathroom, I didn't hear anything breaking so I jumped in the shower. A few minutes later, Brian came in and told me, "your boy says he is washing dishes" I replied, "Yes that is his thing lately, I found him doing the same yesterday."
Everyone gets ready, Before I went downstairs I tried to get into Nathan's bathroom to get neosporin out of the medicine cabinet. It's locked.
I don't want to know. I really don't want to know.
Forget it, I'll get neosporin downstairs. The rest of us had breakfast. Brian was getting ready to rinse the dishes, and said to me, "What happened to the soap?" "And what happened to the sponge". I thought, my parents were here they must have moved it.
I asked Nathan, "Hey Nathan did you eat your devil eggs," he says "I ate one"
"Well what happened to the other" I asked, he says he threw in the trash.
Before I could process his answer, all I could think was the bathroom was locked, the soap and sponge were missing and where was that Devil Egg?
I came back upstairs to the bathroom, I am fully expecting rotten egg in my bathroom sink, dish soap everywhere, towels drenched with water and soap.
Well to my my surprise the egg was in the trash and our kitchen soap and sponge were in the bathroom. No other damage at this time.
He says, "Look mommy I took out my waffle and cream" I see Nathan, that is very good. Just to let you know Nathan, You never, never place your hands inside the toaster OK. "OK Mommy"
Nathan returns upstairs with his breakfast. Ok, now it's time for mommy to get showered and ready.
I return back to Nathan's room, only to find him in the bathroom, "Mommy, I am washing dishes." I see that he has the hand soap and all the towels are wet. "Nathan, lets not do this ok. And why is the mirror all wet? "Because I was washing it.", he says. No No let us clean up and go.
Fast forward to this morning, once again Nathan comes into the bedroom, he says he is hungry. We both go downstairs. He asked for two devil eggs, one yogurt and juice. Back up to his room we go. I returned to bed, everyone else was still asleep just like I'd like to be.
About thirty minutes later, I heard Nathan in his bathroom, I didn't hear anything breaking so I jumped in the shower. A few minutes later, Brian came in and told me, "your boy says he is washing dishes" I replied, "Yes that is his thing lately, I found him doing the same yesterday."
Everyone gets ready, Before I went downstairs I tried to get into Nathan's bathroom to get neosporin out of the medicine cabinet. It's locked.
I don't want to know. I really don't want to know.
Forget it, I'll get neosporin downstairs. The rest of us had breakfast. Brian was getting ready to rinse the dishes, and said to me, "What happened to the soap?" "And what happened to the sponge". I thought, my parents were here they must have moved it.
I asked Nathan, "Hey Nathan did you eat your devil eggs," he says "I ate one"
"Well what happened to the other" I asked, he says he threw in the trash.
Before I could process his answer, all I could think was the bathroom was locked, the soap and sponge were missing and where was that Devil Egg?
I came back upstairs to the bathroom, I am fully expecting rotten egg in my bathroom sink, dish soap everywhere, towels drenched with water and soap.
Well to my my surprise the egg was in the trash and our kitchen soap and sponge were in the bathroom. No other damage at this time.
Nathan goes to Knotts Merry Farm
Nathan & Katelyn
On our way to Knotts, Nathan continued to ask me if where we were going was far. I told him it was a little far but not too bad. He was curious to know what Knotts Merry Farm was like even though he has already been there five other times. I described it to him like it was the fair but even better and that Snoopy was going to be there.
Nathan & Snoopy
Nathan was very gracious in seeing Snoopy again, his sister on the other hand wanted nothing to do with him or the Peanut Gang.
Nathan makes friends with the Outlaw Cowboys
After riding the Denver Colorado Express, Nathan made his way to the ice cream shop and enjoyed the parade. In all a very good day for him. Despite the lines being a little long for my liking both Katelyn and Nathan enjoyed themselves, making friends, smiles and lots of laughs.
To all we wished you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.......
Friday, November 25, 2011
Nathan, is it ever easy with you
After a fun filled day, a GREAT day for everyone, of course it needs to come to an end.
Nathan doesn't always get it. In this case after a long day at the theme park, both Nathan and Katelyn passed out. Both were snoring away in the back seat of the car. I thought for sure they were done for the night. We made it home both still snoring away. I walked to the front door and unlocked it and turn the alarm off.
By the time I returned to the car (Maybe 20 seconds) Nathan's passenger door was open, all the lights in the car were on, the neighbor across the street, who thinks he could play the saxophone was playing the saxophone. Of course Katelyn was now going off, scared and confused. I grab Katelyn, take her upstairs and try to calm her down. I was hoping to get her back to bed without a huge ordeal.
Nathan was sharp enough to come inside the house and lock the front door, I was actually pretty impressed. All I could think is hurry the front door and car door are probably still open, but they weren't.
I returned down stairs to get K a cup of milk, and there was Nathan coming up the stairs Stomping HIS FEET,,, really???? You can't be a little quieter.
So of course, he began to have a meltdown in the stair way. I know he was tired. "Nathan, please wait for me in your room." I was getting really upset. I return with Katelyn's milk and tuck her in.
I then went to Nathan's room,,,,,Oh boy here we go: Round One: Nathan take off your pants and your boots, after three times, I was loosing it and raising my voice each time. He says, "I want to take off my shirt" Really Nathan, does it matter what comes off first.
I tried helping him with his shirt, he starts to cry, "You aren't being very nice." "Why" "Because you are screaming" "Nathan I've told you five times already to take off your clothes so I can put your pajamas on."
"Pajamas, ahhhhhh I don't want pajamas" "Nathan, everyone is tired and you are going to bed." "What about my bath." No bath today, "ahhhhh"
Round two: Bath or no Bath
Ok, are you going to take a bath, No. When I agree to no bath, he says yes he wants a bath. At this point you are now taking your bath and washing your stinky feet now lets go. After bath you will go to bed.
Bath complete
Round three:
Getting to bed, "Nathan get in bed you are tired and it's time for you to relax your body and rest so we can have another great day tomorrow."
He starts with with complaining and crying, which by the way I feel a coronary coming on. He is still complaining that I am not nice and I am not fair. I asked Nathan, "Do you think your mommy is mean?" He says "No" "Ok then what is the problem?" "Well you get mad when I do something wrong." "So Nathan what are mommies suppose to do, let you do what ever you want." He looks at me with a very confused, then mad then confused again look.
He gets in bed, I sing him his songs, make up with him, pray and it's light out......
Round four: Nathan comes inside my bedroom and says he needs medicine because he is sick. I said to him, "You weren't sick when you were at Knotts and you were eating ice cream." He responds, " I lost my voice, you were screaming and I lost my voice," "How is it that me screaming causes YOU to loose your voice, god probably took it away because all you do is scream."
He returns to his room.
Round Five:
Nathan keeps asking me for his medicine, at this point I am so delirious that I really don't even know what to give him and for what. I look in their medicine box and I see a bottle. I pick it up, Nathan looks at me and says, "What is that?" I take it that is not what he is looking for.
Oh yeah, Nathan wanted his allergy medicine, opps got it. Here you go Nathan, take your allergy medicine. It's time to go to sleep now. He says, "Aren't you going to tuck me in?" Nathan, I already tucked you in 30 minutes ago, it's not my fault you keep getting out of bed. He ends it with,, "Good Night Mommy"
Lets see how long it is before Round Six....Can it ever be easy
Nathan doesn't always get it. In this case after a long day at the theme park, both Nathan and Katelyn passed out. Both were snoring away in the back seat of the car. I thought for sure they were done for the night. We made it home both still snoring away. I walked to the front door and unlocked it and turn the alarm off.
By the time I returned to the car (Maybe 20 seconds) Nathan's passenger door was open, all the lights in the car were on, the neighbor across the street, who thinks he could play the saxophone was playing the saxophone. Of course Katelyn was now going off, scared and confused. I grab Katelyn, take her upstairs and try to calm her down. I was hoping to get her back to bed without a huge ordeal.
Nathan was sharp enough to come inside the house and lock the front door, I was actually pretty impressed. All I could think is hurry the front door and car door are probably still open, but they weren't.
I returned down stairs to get K a cup of milk, and there was Nathan coming up the stairs Stomping HIS FEET,,, really???? You can't be a little quieter.
So of course, he began to have a meltdown in the stair way. I know he was tired. "Nathan, please wait for me in your room." I was getting really upset. I return with Katelyn's milk and tuck her in.
I then went to Nathan's room,,,,,Oh boy here we go: Round One: Nathan take off your pants and your boots, after three times, I was loosing it and raising my voice each time. He says, "I want to take off my shirt" Really Nathan, does it matter what comes off first.
I tried helping him with his shirt, he starts to cry, "You aren't being very nice." "Why" "Because you are screaming" "Nathan I've told you five times already to take off your clothes so I can put your pajamas on."
"Pajamas, ahhhhhh I don't want pajamas" "Nathan, everyone is tired and you are going to bed." "What about my bath." No bath today, "ahhhhh"
Round two: Bath or no Bath
Ok, are you going to take a bath, No. When I agree to no bath, he says yes he wants a bath. At this point you are now taking your bath and washing your stinky feet now lets go. After bath you will go to bed.
Bath complete
Round three:
Getting to bed, "Nathan get in bed you are tired and it's time for you to relax your body and rest so we can have another great day tomorrow."
He starts with with complaining and crying, which by the way I feel a coronary coming on. He is still complaining that I am not nice and I am not fair. I asked Nathan, "Do you think your mommy is mean?" He says "No" "Ok then what is the problem?" "Well you get mad when I do something wrong." "So Nathan what are mommies suppose to do, let you do what ever you want." He looks at me with a very confused, then mad then confused again look.
He gets in bed, I sing him his songs, make up with him, pray and it's light out......
Round four: Nathan comes inside my bedroom and says he needs medicine because he is sick. I said to him, "You weren't sick when you were at Knotts and you were eating ice cream." He responds, " I lost my voice, you were screaming and I lost my voice," "How is it that me screaming causes YOU to loose your voice, god probably took it away because all you do is scream."
He returns to his room.
Round Five:
Nathan keeps asking me for his medicine, at this point I am so delirious that I really don't even know what to give him and for what. I look in their medicine box and I see a bottle. I pick it up, Nathan looks at me and says, "What is that?" I take it that is not what he is looking for.
Oh yeah, Nathan wanted his allergy medicine, opps got it. Here you go Nathan, take your allergy medicine. It's time to go to sleep now. He says, "Aren't you going to tuck me in?" Nathan, I already tucked you in 30 minutes ago, it's not my fault you keep getting out of bed. He ends it with,, "Good Night Mommy"
Lets see how long it is before Round Six....Can it ever be easy
Friday, November 18, 2011
Nathan goes to the LA Zoo
Well after an orangutan escaped from his cage, the Los Angeles Zoo was placed on full lock down until zoo staff was able to return him back to his cage.
Well a large size Chimp wasn't going to stop Nathan from enjoying his day at the zoo.
Nathan taking a stroll with his girls
Nathan said to Emma's mommy and I, that he would hold the babies hands and he did.
Well a large size Chimp wasn't going to stop Nathan from enjoying his day at the zoo.
Nathan & Emma
Nathan taking a stroll with his girls
Nathan said to Emma's mommy and I, that he would hold the babies hands and he did.
Nathan's Sleepover
So after a long day of fun at the LA Zoo, We decided to stop Nathan's Abuelo's House.
Nathan wanted vegetable soup. He kept asking me if I was going to PF Chang? I didn't have any plans to go and Baby daddy was working. Nathan said to me that I should still go and he could sleepover at his grandparent's house. Nonetheless, we all hung out for a bit. Nathan's kept asking me if we were going to have a sleepover, and I kept saying, "probably not." My parents, who rarely get to see him now were also inquiring, "Dejalo" Meaning, "Leave Him Here"
The problem is when Nathan is with my parents he thinks it's a party like "1999" He stays up late and wakes up early.
Nathan asked me, "Mommy can we have a sleepover at abuelo's house" I said, "Nathan you don't have any clothes, what about clean chonis?" Well he says, "Yes I do". I knew that most of Nathan's clothes weren't at my parent house, I said, "If you can find pajamas and chonis" Nathan says, "Abuelo has pajamas", "Yeah but they are too big for you." As resourceful as he is he says, "What about if I go to the room and find some, then can I stay?" "Why don't you go stay with your family?"
Umm, my family, I thought I am YOUR family. I told him, "Nathan you are my family." He says, "well you can come visit."
Nathan leaves the room, when he comes back he is carrying an outfit, gym shorts and shirt and a new pair of chonis. He says, "you see mom I have pajamas and clean chonis"
Despite me not wanting to leave him, I say ok. He needed to be in his best behavior.
I said, Ok lets go give you your bath and get you ready for bed. We take his bath and go into my parent's spare room, Nathan asks me, "where is my sister going to sleep, Abuelo took the Elmo bed apart." I replied, "Nathan, Katelyn is not staying here, she is going home with me." He replied "ok but can you pick me up for school after breakfast. And tell abuelo what my favorite breakfast is"
As I was leaving Nathan tells me, "Mommy don't crash into any cars and drive careful on the road."
And so it is, Nathan's sleepover.....Good luck mom and dad.
Nathan wanted vegetable soup. He kept asking me if I was going to PF Chang? I didn't have any plans to go and Baby daddy was working. Nathan said to me that I should still go and he could sleepover at his grandparent's house. Nonetheless, we all hung out for a bit. Nathan's kept asking me if we were going to have a sleepover, and I kept saying, "probably not." My parents, who rarely get to see him now were also inquiring, "Dejalo" Meaning, "Leave Him Here"
The problem is when Nathan is with my parents he thinks it's a party like "1999" He stays up late and wakes up early.
Nathan asked me, "Mommy can we have a sleepover at abuelo's house" I said, "Nathan you don't have any clothes, what about clean chonis?" Well he says, "Yes I do". I knew that most of Nathan's clothes weren't at my parent house, I said, "If you can find pajamas and chonis" Nathan says, "Abuelo has pajamas", "Yeah but they are too big for you." As resourceful as he is he says, "What about if I go to the room and find some, then can I stay?" "Why don't you go stay with your family?"
Umm, my family, I thought I am YOUR family. I told him, "Nathan you are my family." He says, "well you can come visit."
Nathan leaves the room, when he comes back he is carrying an outfit, gym shorts and shirt and a new pair of chonis. He says, "you see mom I have pajamas and clean chonis"
Despite me not wanting to leave him, I say ok. He needed to be in his best behavior.
I said, Ok lets go give you your bath and get you ready for bed. We take his bath and go into my parent's spare room, Nathan asks me, "where is my sister going to sleep, Abuelo took the Elmo bed apart." I replied, "Nathan, Katelyn is not staying here, she is going home with me." He replied "ok but can you pick me up for school after breakfast. And tell abuelo what my favorite breakfast is"
As I was leaving Nathan tells me, "Mommy don't crash into any cars and drive careful on the road."
And so it is, Nathan's sleepover.....Good luck mom and dad.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
I am not mad, We are just talking
A few weeks back, I got a little ticked at Anonymous for killing a moth by using the kids decorative towels.
He didn't get the memo that those towels are for looks only and not to be touched. Who uses a nice towel to kill a moth?
Apparently today, as Nathan was in the bathroom he tells his dad, "Daddy can I tell you something," Dad replies, "Sure Nathan," "I didn't like that you used my towel to kill the moth." Dad looks confused, Nathan continues to say "I am not mad at you, we are just talking."
Ironically we say that a lot.
He didn't get the memo that those towels are for looks only and not to be touched. Who uses a nice towel to kill a moth?
Apparently today, as Nathan was in the bathroom he tells his dad, "Daddy can I tell you something," Dad replies, "Sure Nathan," "I didn't like that you used my towel to kill the moth." Dad looks confused, Nathan continues to say "I am not mad at you, we are just talking."
Ironically we say that a lot.
Friday, November 11, 2011
Oops Katelyn
The End
Like Mother, Like Son
Or should I say Like Father,
In this case I am a little confused. A little of both if you ask me.
As I was picking up K's room,,, umm does it seem like I am always picking up and cleaning? You moms KNOW.
Well, I was in Katelyn's room, when I heard, "Get out of my room", "Get out of my room right this minute, I don't want you in my room," Sound familiar? It did to me. I walked over there to see why Nathan was acting like MOMMY, Well apparently Nathan had set up his room into an office. He had placed his sofa chair in front of his desk, brought his computer over and according to him he was working before Katelyn pinched him. Now that sounds like somebody else I know, Any guesses. It reminds me of the other adult in this house, who shall remain nameless since I am not allowed to make reference to him on this blog, we will call him/her anonymous.
I went over to his room, took K out of the room, a little short time later I returned, with Katelyn. I left, they both had a little break from each other.
A few minutes later all I heard was, " Katelyn out of my office, Mom get Katelyn out of my office, please," "Mommy I don't see you, are you going to come Please Please."
I go back to his room, and asked Nathan, "Can I ask why Katelyn can't play in here? "Because she is going to mess up these papers, and I can't work."
What exactly, he is working on is still unknown. I took Katelyn out again, and told her I would let her play with my phone instead. Who comes into my room with his computer,,,umm Nathan..
As much as his sister gets on his nerves, he still chases her and me.
So back to the Like Mother, Like Son. I take a lot of credit for Nathan's personality but I think in this case, he was really channeling the other half as well.
So as I sit here typing away, Miss K sitting almost on my lap, with her computer on her lap typing away. It's hilarious........ Like Mother, Like Daughter........
In this case I am a little confused. A little of both if you ask me.
As I was picking up K's room,,, umm does it seem like I am always picking up and cleaning? You moms KNOW.
Well, I was in Katelyn's room, when I heard, "Get out of my room", "Get out of my room right this minute, I don't want you in my room," Sound familiar? It did to me. I walked over there to see why Nathan was acting like MOMMY, Well apparently Nathan had set up his room into an office. He had placed his sofa chair in front of his desk, brought his computer over and according to him he was working before Katelyn pinched him. Now that sounds like somebody else I know, Any guesses. It reminds me of the other adult in this house, who shall remain nameless since I am not allowed to make reference to him on this blog, we will call him/her anonymous.
I went over to his room, took K out of the room, a little short time later I returned, with Katelyn. I left, they both had a little break from each other.
A few minutes later all I heard was, " Katelyn out of my office, Mom get Katelyn out of my office, please," "Mommy I don't see you, are you going to come Please Please."
I go back to his room, and asked Nathan, "Can I ask why Katelyn can't play in here? "Because she is going to mess up these papers, and I can't work."
What exactly, he is working on is still unknown. I took Katelyn out again, and told her I would let her play with my phone instead. Who comes into my room with his computer,,,umm Nathan..
As much as his sister gets on his nerves, he still chases her and me.
So back to the Like Mother, Like Son. I take a lot of credit for Nathan's personality but I think in this case, he was really channeling the other half as well.
So as I sit here typing away, Miss K sitting almost on my lap, with her computer on her lap typing away. It's hilarious........ Like Mother, Like Daughter........
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Mornings, Schools, ETC
Ahhh talk about a morning. You know I figured since time change, Nathan would actually sleep in more kind of like I do) but the answer is NO. He actually wakes up earlier. This specific morning at 0621 am. AHHHHH.
"Nathan, can you go back to your room and sleep, play read, watch t.v, etc". Sure, he returns back to his room, twenty to thirty minutes later he comes back in, all dressed and ready to go. May I mention with his dress sweater, put on backwards and dress shoes. He says, "Mommy, hurry up get ready, I am going to be late for school."
Seriously, you are going to be late for school. What I am really thinking is the the following , "Who is telling you, you are late for school?" Nathan replies, "Jacques."
"well you tell Jacques not to worry what time you get to school, you're in Pre school."
Just as we finish the conversation, Nathan could hear Katelyn awake in her room. "Mommy Katelyn is awake"
AHHHHH, more drama. I am a firm believer in divide and conquer, I get more accomplished and faster. Nathan asked if he can go into her room. I told Nathan, "Go play with Katelyn, while I get ready. Make sure you don't NOT COME IN MY ROOM while I get ready." Like I said faster.
I start to get ready, just as I was almost done, here they come, yelling, crying , winning, running.. Ahhhh too early for this commotion.
It started to go South, in about two minutes, I start yelling. Nathan, looks at me and asked me, "Mommy why are you yelling at Katelyn?" As I am trying to get over the fact that he just checked because really I can't even remember as I write this why I was yelling.
I replied, "Because I told you not to let Katelyn in my room, I didn't want you guys in here until I was ready, and I am really upset at the fact that you come into my room early in the morning and woke me up, I don't go in your room and wake you up, I let you sleep in, Mommy and Katelyn like to sleep"
I really do not like to be woken up, none the less we got through the morning. We had a good breakfast and even though we were 45 minutes ahead of our schedule, Katelyn and Nathan played. I cleaned my house, wash the dishes, swept, took out the trash etc. I was happy my house was clean.
On our way to school, I needed to stop by the local elementary school to confirm registration for Kinder, (for the 10th time).
So that strikes up a conversation with Nathan. He asked, "Mommy what is this school? I told him it's an elementary. "Mommy how many kinds of schools are there? I reply, "well there is elementary, junior high school, high school and college." Nathan replies, "WHOA, there are a lot of schools in the world."
Well I hope he gets the point because he has a long way to go.
"Nathan, can you go back to your room and sleep, play read, watch t.v, etc". Sure, he returns back to his room, twenty to thirty minutes later he comes back in, all dressed and ready to go. May I mention with his dress sweater, put on backwards and dress shoes. He says, "Mommy, hurry up get ready, I am going to be late for school."
Seriously, you are going to be late for school. What I am really thinking is the the following , "Who is telling you, you are late for school?" Nathan replies, "Jacques."
"well you tell Jacques not to worry what time you get to school, you're in Pre school."
Just as we finish the conversation, Nathan could hear Katelyn awake in her room. "Mommy Katelyn is awake"
AHHHHH, more drama. I am a firm believer in divide and conquer, I get more accomplished and faster. Nathan asked if he can go into her room. I told Nathan, "Go play with Katelyn, while I get ready. Make sure you don't NOT COME IN MY ROOM while I get ready." Like I said faster.
I start to get ready, just as I was almost done, here they come, yelling, crying , winning, running.. Ahhhh too early for this commotion.
It started to go South, in about two minutes, I start yelling. Nathan, looks at me and asked me, "Mommy why are you yelling at Katelyn?" As I am trying to get over the fact that he just checked because really I can't even remember as I write this why I was yelling.
I replied, "Because I told you not to let Katelyn in my room, I didn't want you guys in here until I was ready, and I am really upset at the fact that you come into my room early in the morning and woke me up, I don't go in your room and wake you up, I let you sleep in, Mommy and Katelyn like to sleep"
I really do not like to be woken up, none the less we got through the morning. We had a good breakfast and even though we were 45 minutes ahead of our schedule, Katelyn and Nathan played. I cleaned my house, wash the dishes, swept, took out the trash etc. I was happy my house was clean.
On our way to school, I needed to stop by the local elementary school to confirm registration for Kinder, (for the 10th time).
So that strikes up a conversation with Nathan. He asked, "Mommy what is this school? I told him it's an elementary. "Mommy how many kinds of schools are there? I reply, "well there is elementary, junior high school, high school and college." Nathan replies, "WHOA, there are a lot of schools in the world."
Well I hope he gets the point because he has a long way to go.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Baseball Player
Well Nathan's season for winter ball is over, which brings me to the following:
"Mommy, I am a baseball player and I am not afraid of the boogie man, bad guys or cholos, because I can punch them and I can kick them."
Nathan may not be afraid of the above, but THUNDER had him going.
"Mommy, I am a baseball player and I am not afraid of the boogie man, bad guys or cholos, because I can punch them and I can kick them."
Nathan may not be afraid of the above, but THUNDER had him going.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Diced Cheese
Lately, I've been catching Nathan in little lies, but his mouth might be moving, it doesn't mean I usually believe what comes out of it.
Nathan asked for a snack after dinner. I found these little snack packs with diced cheese, pretzels, carrots and grapes.
Immediately Nathan says, "No No I don't want diced cheese, I am allergic to diced cheese." This is the second time I have heard him say that and not really sure where it started from. Since I know he is not allergic to diced cheese.
I gave Katelyn half of the snack pack. Both start munching down on goodies. Nathan made a comment about how he was not going to eat the cheese. I gave him that look that suggested he better eat everything.
I got distracted a little, not by much because I was still only three feet away from Nathan and Katelyn. I saw that Nathan snack box was all empty. I asked Nathan if he ate everything including the dice cheese. Nathan said, "YES."
UMMM, something was not right,
I asked Nathan, "Nathan did you eat the cheese or did you give it to Katelyn?" He replies, "I ate it," But like every other time his face cannot keep up with the lies he says. I asked him, "Nathan, did you put your cheese in Katelyn's bowl ?" Nathan starts laughing. Which tells me he was trying to sneak his diced cheese into his sister's bowl.
Rushing to become a teenager
So far there has been a lot of talk about teenagers in this household.
This morning, Nathan woke up and got ready, he looked at himself in the mirror and said, "Look mommy I am as tall as the sink now, I am like a Teenager."
I replied, "Yes you are getting bigger but not a teenager yet." He looked at me in disbelief.
Later that morning, I reminded him it was pajama day at school, and suggested he wear his pajamas. Once again he looked at me like if I was crazy. Let me guess, a teenager wouldn't be caught dead wearing pajamas at school right.
During breakfast I asked Nathan, "Why do you want to be a teenager?" "What is wrong with being Nathan now?" He looked at me with those big brown eyes, confused...For the first time Nathan was Speechless.
I guess there is nothing wrong with being 4year old Nathan,,, ENJOY
This morning, Nathan woke up and got ready, he looked at himself in the mirror and said, "Look mommy I am as tall as the sink now, I am like a Teenager."
I replied, "Yes you are getting bigger but not a teenager yet." He looked at me in disbelief.
Later that morning, I reminded him it was pajama day at school, and suggested he wear his pajamas. Once again he looked at me like if I was crazy. Let me guess, a teenager wouldn't be caught dead wearing pajamas at school right.
During breakfast I asked Nathan, "Why do you want to be a teenager?" "What is wrong with being Nathan now?" He looked at me with those big brown eyes, confused...For the first time Nathan was Speechless.
I guess there is nothing wrong with being 4year old Nathan,,, ENJOY
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
A little help in here
As we were getting up a few mornings ago. Nathan comes inside our room, we start to get ready and in order to distract Nathan I asked him to get Katelyn from her room.
I've noticed this is a treat for him, he feels like the big brother and in complete control.
I sent him to her room, as he runs there, he is saying, "No daddy, I am going to go, I am the big brother."
I hear him open her bedroom door, and start to yell like the world was coming to an end. Apparently Katelyn emptied out her drawers, attempted to take her diaper off. Nathan begins to scream, "A little help in here, hello A little help in here...."
If we didn't know any better, well we do. Brian tells me, " He sounds just like you, that is something you would say."
I've noticed this is a treat for him, he feels like the big brother and in complete control.
I sent him to her room, as he runs there, he is saying, "No daddy, I am going to go, I am the big brother."
I hear him open her bedroom door, and start to yell like the world was coming to an end. Apparently Katelyn emptied out her drawers, attempted to take her diaper off. Nathan begins to scream, "A little help in here, hello A little help in here...."
If we didn't know any better, well we do. Brian tells me, " He sounds just like you, that is something you would say."
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