Friday, November 11, 2011

Like Mother, Like Son

Or should I say Like Father,

In this case I am a little confused.  A little of both if you ask me.

As I was picking up K's room,,, umm does it seem like I am always picking up and cleaning?  You moms KNOW.

Well, I was in Katelyn's room, when I heard, "Get out of my room", "Get out of my room right this minute, I don't want you in my room," Sound familiar?  It did to me.  I walked over there to see why Nathan was acting like MOMMY,  Well apparently Nathan had set up his room into an office.  He had placed his sofa chair in front of his desk, brought his computer over and according to him he was working before Katelyn pinched him.  Now that sounds like somebody else I know,  Any guesses.  It reminds me of the other adult in this house, who shall remain nameless since I am not allowed to make reference to him on this blog, we will call him/her anonymous.

I went over to his room, took K out of the room,  a little short time later I returned, with Katelyn. I left,  they both had a little break from each other.

 A few minutes later all I heard was, " Katelyn out of my office, Mom get Katelyn out of my office, please,"  "Mommy I don't see you, are you going to come Please Please."

I go back to his room, and asked Nathan,  "Can I ask why Katelyn can't play in here?  "Because she is going to mess up these papers, and I can't work."

What exactly, he is working on is still unknown.  I took Katelyn out again, and told her I would let her play with my phone instead.  Who comes into my room with his computer,,,umm Nathan..

As much as his sister gets on his nerves, he still chases her and me.

So back to the Like Mother, Like Son.  I take a lot of credit for Nathan's personality but I think in this case, he was really channeling the other half as well.

So as I sit here typing away, Miss K sitting almost on my lap, with her computer on her lap typing away.  It's hilarious........ Like Mother, Like Daughter........


  1. Who is this anonymous person you always talk about?

  2. Well they wish to remain anonymous
