This time on our way back from school, Nathan and I engaged in another interesting conversation. As we were driving, we saw a herd of calves, we had not seen these young creatures. We had only seen the Big cows.
Nonetheless, we past by and the question came about. "Mommy, how do babies eat when they are super, super super X 10 small?"
Well Nathan, the babies drink milk from the mommy. "How?", he asked. Ahhhhh how did I get to this conversation. Well they drink it from their breast. "How?"
Well they lay down or stand ( I think) and drink milk from their mommy, kind of drinking from a bottle.
"Well do you have milk?" Apparently Nathan was too young to remember mommy feeding his little sister. I didn't know how to get out of the conversation. Other then explaining all babies need milk.
Well fortunately a jet was flying in the sky. That changed the conversation to "Mommy is that a rocket ship?" I said, "No Nathan I don't think it's a rocket ship, I think it's a jet." Nathan asked, "Why can't it be a rocket ship?" Well because if it were a rocket ship the ground would shake and it would be super loud. "Why?" "Because the rocket ship is so powerful, it cuts through the sky and flies into outer space, the jet flies through the sky." "Mom what is powerful? " Nathan it's lots of power and fuel, so it can make it through the sky.
He then began to inquire who flew the rocket ships, I replied Astronauts fly rocket ships and pilots fly jets. Then he began to wonder how they walked when they were out in outer space, I said they do the "Moon walk" He was perplexed. I tried to explained the concept of gravity, that lost him completely. Luckily for me we were getting home and I said perhaps a trip to the museum would help me explain it better.
If these question are confusing me now, I would hate for him to bring home his Algebra homework.

Saturday, January 21, 2012
Friday, January 20, 2012
I want to be a Grown Up
On our way to school this morning, Nathan says to me, "I want to be a grown up." I asked Nathan why he was in such a hurry to be a grown up, what is so cool about being grown up. He says, "I want to work, but I want to work with abuelo." I tried to explain to him that being a grown up is not all that its cracked up to be.
Let's think about this, what do grown ups do? Well responsible grown ups, get up go to work, pay bills, clean the house and go to sleep. Does that sum it up?
Ok I know grown ups get to go on vacation, drink a little, drive, and buy what they need.
But let's take Nathan, all he has to do is go to school, learn a little, play, take a nap and eat well.
Yes my dear Nathan, I am looking forward to the day when I ask you to take out the trash and clean your room. OK OK so I ask you that now, but I don't see you mowing the lawn or washing your clothes just yet. Don't get me started on what your father's plans for you are once you hit 14. I am sure you will be receiving an application to Albertson's so you can start on your 401K.
Then you will be wishing you were a little boy, who really doesn't understand the troubles of the world that surround grown ups.
So you see Nathan, it doesn't sound that bad to be kid, enjoy and stop being in such a hurry to grow up, take it one day at a time. You aren't missing anything. As a matter of fact you are way ahead of the game.
Now mommy is off to do grown up things, clean the house for the third time.....
Let's think about this, what do grown ups do? Well responsible grown ups, get up go to work, pay bills, clean the house and go to sleep. Does that sum it up?
Ok I know grown ups get to go on vacation, drink a little, drive, and buy what they need.
But let's take Nathan, all he has to do is go to school, learn a little, play, take a nap and eat well.
Yes my dear Nathan, I am looking forward to the day when I ask you to take out the trash and clean your room. OK OK so I ask you that now, but I don't see you mowing the lawn or washing your clothes just yet. Don't get me started on what your father's plans for you are once you hit 14. I am sure you will be receiving an application to Albertson's so you can start on your 401K.
Then you will be wishing you were a little boy, who really doesn't understand the troubles of the world that surround grown ups.
So you see Nathan, it doesn't sound that bad to be kid, enjoy and stop being in such a hurry to grow up, take it one day at a time. You aren't missing anything. As a matter of fact you are way ahead of the game.
Now mommy is off to do grown up things, clean the house for the third time.....
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Boys Vs Girls
The kids and I had a eventful evening last night. The grown boys, referring to Baby Daddy and Baby uncle took off to enjoy an evening of Hockey.
Mean while the babies, well lets just say say were just babies. Nathan apparently received homework assignments. While he very diligently worked on his homework, his sister Katelyn could not stand not being part of it. She cried and cried for everything.
We eventually moved the drama upstairs, I figured it was a good time to start their baths before they got so worked up I couldn't bring them back down to my world. Katelyn was determined to take off her own clothes, she got stuck several times. I started taking off her rubber bands from her hair, she insisted in trying to do that too.
Nathan, being mister, "I can do anything" said to Katelyn, "I'll do it, I'll help you." Well K wanted nothing to do with him touching her pony tails. Nathan frustrated didn't understand, this is where I came in, "Nathan, girls don't like you touching their hair." He replies, "Ah girls, girls, always girls I need to play with some boys."
I felt your pain Nathan, You are always surrounded by girls, and yes WE wine and complaint a lot. All I could think is, yup you should have gone with the boys to the Hockey game.
We made it to the bath, where it was a race on who was not going to take a bath first. Nathan had already brushed his teeth and gone potty. I convinced him to get in. I instructed Katelyn to go potty. Reluctant she sat in the toilet. As I was given Nathan his bath, I hear Katelyn, "Mommy look it!" With excitement she was pointing at the fact that she was going POTTY.....yehhhhhhhhhhh. What a celebration it was in the bathroom. Everyone was giving each other high fives, if you didn't know any better you would think she just won the marathon.
Ah yes the differences between the lives of boys and girls. The frustration of a poor little four year old boy who is constantly being annoyed by his little 2 year old sister.
Needless to say the evening ended well, both had their time with mommy. Let's see what mommy can get from daddy.
Mean while the babies, well lets just say say were just babies. Nathan apparently received homework assignments. While he very diligently worked on his homework, his sister Katelyn could not stand not being part of it. She cried and cried for everything.
We eventually moved the drama upstairs, I figured it was a good time to start their baths before they got so worked up I couldn't bring them back down to my world. Katelyn was determined to take off her own clothes, she got stuck several times. I started taking off her rubber bands from her hair, she insisted in trying to do that too.
Nathan, being mister, "I can do anything" said to Katelyn, "I'll do it, I'll help you." Well K wanted nothing to do with him touching her pony tails. Nathan frustrated didn't understand, this is where I came in, "Nathan, girls don't like you touching their hair." He replies, "Ah girls, girls, always girls I need to play with some boys."
I felt your pain Nathan, You are always surrounded by girls, and yes WE wine and complaint a lot. All I could think is, yup you should have gone with the boys to the Hockey game.
We made it to the bath, where it was a race on who was not going to take a bath first. Nathan had already brushed his teeth and gone potty. I convinced him to get in. I instructed Katelyn to go potty. Reluctant she sat in the toilet. As I was given Nathan his bath, I hear Katelyn, "Mommy look it!" With excitement she was pointing at the fact that she was going POTTY.....yehhhhhhhhhhh. What a celebration it was in the bathroom. Everyone was giving each other high fives, if you didn't know any better you would think she just won the marathon.
Ah yes the differences between the lives of boys and girls. The frustration of a poor little four year old boy who is constantly being annoyed by his little 2 year old sister.
Needless to say the evening ended well, both had their time with mommy. Let's see what mommy can get from daddy.
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Nathan goes to the museum
Nathan got a little taste of hockey. When I asked Nathan what he thought of the museum, he said "it was awesome and nice." His favorite part was playing hockey and driving a Zamboni.
I thought after a long day Nathan had a great day, despite it just being mommy and his sister. As I was writing this blog Nathan wanted me to make sure I added that he also had fun with his pens.
Let me explain further, Nathan decided to wear his firemen rain boots and his fireman jacket. Inside his jacket he carried, several pens and markers, paper, swiss knife (pretend of course), a wallet with real U.S. money, and all sorts of other gadgets. After he emptied out his pockets he had a whole locker of items.
Friday, January 6, 2012
What's the weather like
A few days back, Brian commented to me, as he was getting ready Nathan came to him and brought along his daddy's phone. He asked, " Dad can you tell me what the weather is going to be, so I know what to wear?"
A few days after, as I am getting ready, Nathan comes to me, with my phone. This time he had the weather forecast for the day already on the phone. He handed me the phone. I saw the forecast and it clicked, Nathan was once again inquiring as to what the weather was going to be for the day. I told him, "It looks like it's going to be warm." He said, "Ok, looks like I'll be wearing shorts."
I guess Nathan considers everything, I know as grown ups we check for weather, traffic, etc. I didn't expect my four year old to start doing that. I guess you could never be too prepared.
A few days after, as I am getting ready, Nathan comes to me, with my phone. This time he had the weather forecast for the day already on the phone. He handed me the phone. I saw the forecast and it clicked, Nathan was once again inquiring as to what the weather was going to be for the day. I told him, "It looks like it's going to be warm." He said, "Ok, looks like I'll be wearing shorts."
I guess Nathan considers everything, I know as grown ups we check for weather, traffic, etc. I didn't expect my four year old to start doing that. I guess you could never be too prepared.
Monday, January 2, 2012
Nathan, Goes to 123rd Tournament Of Roses Parade
Greeting from Pasadena, CA where the weather is sunny and clear at a whopping 84 degrees. Can you imagine that? Well if you live in Southern California you could. But even though I was born and raised in So. Cal , I didn't think that I would need sunblock in January.
Well in all honesty Nathan wasn't at the parade but we did go view some of the most gorgeous floats displayed this year 2012.
With Nathan being sick it was time to get out and about for a bit.
Well in all honesty Nathan wasn't at the parade but we did go view some of the most gorgeous floats displayed this year 2012.
With Nathan being sick it was time to get out and about for a bit.
Even after some cold ice lemonade, viewing the floats, and some kennel corn it got to be just too much for Nathan. It was HOT.....
As Nathan and I were ordering our Kennel corn, he wiped his face and saw blood on his hand. "Mommy, I am bleeding,"
Nathan got so hot his nose started to bleed. After a few minutes of rendering first aid to the little guy, he managed to enjoy almost the whole bag of Kennel corn, of course with a little help from the rest of us.
As we ended our day and walk back to the shuttle , I knew Nathan was tired. He would tell that he was hungry (what he wanted was to finish the rest of the kennel corn). "Mommy I need a rest, my back hurts."
Umm funny all the pregnant ladies at the parade were saying the same thing.
We made it to the shuttle pick up point. Nathan was now beginning to get loud and a bit rude. I reminded him he was not being the best sport to which he replied, " I am not being mean, and I am just tired and cranky." Lol.... yes you are. Then he pretend to pass out, meanwhile the others waiting began to worry and panic this little boy just passed out of heat exhaustion. I even had to do a second look, nope Nathan was fine. Just looking for attention, and he got it.
I told him too, if he did that again I would call the Firemen and they would take him back to the hospital.
Nonetheless, 5 minutes into the car ride home, Nathan was out for the count.
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Emergency Room 2012
Happy New Year from our Family to your
New Year's Eve did not start as we had planned it, Nathan was showing signs of being really sick. But stood his ground that he was fine. Brian decides to go play in the desert, and when he returned home, his face said it all. He had the crud, runny nose, sneezing, congested. My dad wasn't doing well either. WHAT Happened?
I attempted to take Nathan to urgent care, his cough was concerning. On going, non stop 24/7. Impossibly to bear with and I was not the one coughing. I asked him if his body hurt, he said no only his chest (yikes).
Urgent care was closed. Nathan said he wanted to go to dinner. So the family made it to dinner.
That evening, Nathan continued his coughing, now I was beginning to stress. The Cough syrup was not doing anything, I could not break his fever. The last time this went on, was when Nathan was two years old. He continued to cough just like he was doing now and had a really high fever. That time my little guy had a pneumonia.
I couldn't take it no more, we returned to urgent care this morning, CLOSED..... Ahhhh.
I looked at Nathan and said, "Sorry Nate looks like we will have to go to the hospital." I could see panic coming over him. Nathan has not been to hospital since he was born. But he understands sick people do go to the hospital.
I tried to calm him down and told him everything would be Ok. I needed a doctor to check his chest.
We walked into the ER, amazingly I didn't see anyone there. I thought for sure I was going to run into all the goofballs that were accident prone from the night before. Nope.
I checked Nathan in. Forget me checking him in, Nathan apparently could do it on his own. "My name is Nathan, I am coughing a lot and I don't want any shots and I don't want to stay in the hospital."
"Ok buddy, can you look at these pictures and tell me at what level is your pain, your not crying but your not happy either." Nathan choose the sad one, pain level of six.
Nathan got a bed within five minutes, His nurse was kind enough to let him use his I phone so he could play "Angry Bird" while we waiting for the doctor. The nurse kept looking at Nathan with a shock kind of look, turns to my dad and said, "He speaks very well, as if he were an adult"
Yes that would be Nathan. The doctor came, Nathan explained to the doctor why we were at the hospital. Just to be cautious the doctor recommended Nathan get an x-ray.
X-ray showed he did have the beginning stages of a pneumonia. I knew it, I recognized that cough and those symptoms. Nathan could be very stubborn. Even when he feels sick he handles himself very well. Sometimes making it impossible to diagnosed it's more than a runny nose.
We got our prescription and left.
I really hope 2012 gets better. Emergency room 2012 didn't help start it off the way we wished.
I hope you get better Nathan....
Along with everyone else in the family..
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