Friday, January 20, 2012

I want to be a Grown Up

On our way to school this morning, Nathan says to me, "I want to be a grown up."  I asked Nathan why he was in such a hurry to be a grown up, what is so cool about being grown up.  He says, "I want to work, but I want to work with abuelo."  I tried to explain to him that being a grown up is not all that its cracked up to be.

Let's think about this, what do grown ups do?  Well responsible grown ups, get up go to work, pay bills, clean the house and go to sleep.  Does that sum it up?

Ok I know grown ups get to go on vacation, drink a little, drive, and buy what they need.

But let's take Nathan, all he has to do is go to school, learn a little,  play, take a nap and eat well.

Yes my dear Nathan, I am looking forward to the day when I ask you to take out the trash and clean your room.  OK OK so I ask you that now, but I don't see you mowing the lawn or washing your clothes just yet.  Don't get me started on what your father's plans for you are once you hit 14.  I am sure you will be receiving  an application to Albertson's so you can start on your 401K.

Then you will be wishing you were a little boy, who really doesn't understand the troubles of the world that surround grown ups.

So you see Nathan, it doesn't sound that bad to be kid, enjoy and stop being in such a hurry to grow up,  take it one day at a time.  You aren't missing anything.   As a matter of fact you are way ahead of the game.

Now mommy is off to do grown up things,  clean the house for the third time.....

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