After a fun filled day, a GREAT day for everyone, of course it needs to come to an end.
Nathan doesn't always get it. In this case after a long day at the theme park, both Nathan and Katelyn passed out. Both were snoring away in the back seat of the car. I thought for sure they were done for the night. We made it home both still snoring away. I walked to the front door and unlocked it and turn the alarm off.
By the time I returned to the car (Maybe 20 seconds) Nathan's passenger door was open, all the lights in the car were on, the neighbor across the street, who thinks he could play the saxophone was playing the saxophone. Of course Katelyn was now going off, scared and confused. I grab Katelyn, take her upstairs and try to calm her down. I was hoping to get her back to bed without a huge ordeal.
Nathan was sharp enough to come inside the house and lock the front door, I was actually pretty impressed. All I could think is hurry the front door and car door are probably still open, but they weren't.
I returned down stairs to get K a cup of milk, and there was Nathan coming up the stairs Stomping HIS FEET,,, really???? You can't be a little quieter.
So of course, he began to have a meltdown in the stair way. I know he was tired.
"Nathan, please wait for me in your room." I was getting really upset. I return with Katelyn's milk and tuck her in.
I then went to Nathan's room,,,,,Oh boy here we go:
Round One: Nathan take off your pants and your boots, after three times, I was loosing it and raising my voice each time. He says,
"I want to take off my shirt" Really Nathan, does it matter what comes off first.
I tried helping him with his shirt, he starts to cry,
"You aren't being very nice." "Why" "Because you are screaming" "Nathan I've told you five times already to take off your clothes so I can put your pajamas on."
"Pajamas, ahhhhhh I don't want pajamas" "Nathan, everyone is tired and you are going to bed." "What about my bath." No bath today,
Round two: Bath or no Bath
Ok, are you going to take a bath, No. When I agree to no bath, he says yes he wants a bath. At this point you are now taking your bath and washing your stinky feet now lets go. After bath you will go to bed.
Bath complete
Round three:
Getting to bed, "
Nathan get in bed you are tired and it's time for you to relax your body and rest so we can have another great day tomorrow."
He starts with with complaining and crying, which by the way I feel a coronary coming on. He is still complaining that I am not nice and I am not fair. I asked Nathan,
"Do you think your mommy is mean?" He says
"No" "Ok then what is the problem?" "Well you get mad when I do something wrong." "So Nathan what are mommies suppose to do, let you do what ever you want." He looks at me with a very confused, then mad then confused again look.
He gets in bed, I sing him his songs, make up with him, pray and it's light out......
Round four: Nathan comes inside my bedroom and says he needs medicine because he is sick. I said to him,
"You weren't sick when you were at Knotts and you were eating ice cream." He responds,
" I lost my voice, you were screaming and I lost my voice," "How is it that me screaming causes YOU to loose your voice, god probably took it away because all you do is scream."
He returns to his room.
Round Five:
Nathan keeps asking me for his medicine, at this point I am so delirious that I really don't even know what to give him and for what. I look in their medicine box and I see a bottle. I pick it up, Nathan looks at me and says,
"What is that?" I take it that is not what he is looking for.
Oh yeah, Nathan wanted his allergy medicine, opps got it. Here you go Nathan, take your allergy medicine. It's time to go to sleep now. He says,
"Aren't you going to tuck me in?" Nathan, I already tucked you in 30 minutes ago, it's not my fault you keep getting out of bed. He ends it with,,
"Good Night Mommy"
Lets see how long it is before Round Six....Can it ever be easy