Friday, April 13, 2012

Nathan will always gets his guy

Who makes all the decisions?

As we sat down for dinner this evening, Nathan asked if he could have some water with ice.  So he got it.  The only thing is that Nathan wanted a specific cup,  well I could have said, "Yes honey let me switch your cup."  or  "um no Nathan you already got your water and ice."  "Deal with it, my little prince.....

Well Nathan did not take it well, he obviously got upset.

Nathan: Ahh mommy why do you always get to decide

Mommy:  Because I am the grown up and I make the decisions

Nathan:  Why, I never get to decide

Mommy: Yes Nathan you don't get to decide but I am still the mommy and I make the money, so YES I decide

I hope if Nathan wants to make decision, he realizes he has to work for them.  Sorry Nate you are only 3 1/2 feet tall, take your time.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

When Do I go on Vacation

As I am saying good night to Nathan, I remind him of our morning routine.  I also reminded him that my plan is to go shopping for his birthday party.  So in other words don't piss me off in the morning, or I just will shop for myself.

He asked me, "I am not going to go with you?"  I replied, "No."  He asked why, I said because you have to go to school.  "When Do I get vacation?"  Nathan you will get vacation when you are in Kinder garden,

Nathan's replied, "Ahhhhh when do I get vacation when I am four!!!"

News flash you are on vacation, you don't have to work, you wake up early by choice (I can sleep in until 0930 if I could)  and you have three pages of homework, only to make you smarter not punishment.  So don't ask me when you are getting vacation.

Even his teacher asked me this morning,  mind you MORNING.  I can barely drive myself there and now you want me to answer questions.  "Will Nathan be here next week?"  Confused.  AHH YEAH.  Is there something I don't know.  I thought all of this didn't really voice it.  She must have picked up the look on my face.  I politely, ask "What is next week?" She replies "Spring Break."  This is how out of it I was, what is Spring break?

Oh yeah Spring Break, you know when you are in college and you are off for a week.  Twenty somethings got to get away and get drunk and party somewhere, for me it involved Rosarito.

Back to my life, "Ahhh No, I don't get Spring Break neither does he."  You can wait until you are in college to get your Spring Break, and you can pay for it too.

Game Ball


My heart breaks, the day Nathan got to play pitcher and did a tremendous job on stopping the ball and throwing it to first base,  I miss the game.  To make matters worse, Nathan received the "GAME BALL"

When I talked to him that evening, he told me, "Mommy, I got the game ball because I did so good".

Nathan has recently found his potential.  When I asked him, "Nathan do you like to play baseball",  filled with excitement he replies, "Yes"

Great Job Nate

Dressing Room

Hi everyone,

Yes it's that time again.  Nathan comments, actions and reactions.

Every night Nathan gets to pick out his clothes.  We do this in order to save time in the morning.  Apparently, I have created a monster.  The funny thing is that when Nathan and I pick his clothes out at night, everything goes well in the morning.  When daddy and Nathan pick out clothes,  ummm things don't go as planned.

Lets take this morning for example.  Nathan came into my room and started to get dressed.  He asked me if he could wear his new "Angry Bird" (anger management shirt, appropriate right ??).  I said, yes but put some jeans on instead.  He ran to his room and came back complaining there weren't any jeans.  I left three pairs of jeans on the floor for him to pick out.  He thought jeans were shorts.  Fine Nathan, get some jean short from your dirty clothes (I don't care I have to get to work, can we hurry).

We got the shorts, and the Angry Bird shirt on.  Umm one problem, he wanted to wear a plaid green shirt over it.  I told him that the Angry Bird Shirt didn't go with it but  the " Kiss me I am Irish shirt" did.  We went back and forth, I finally said, his choice was to wear the Angry Bird shirt alone or wear his White  Irish shirt underneath the plaid shirt, end of discussion. (I felt like I was in the dressing room at Macy's picking out an outfit for a fab party not pre-school.  Good Lord.  I try to let him exercise his opinion and decision making when choosing his clothes.  However, I had to pump the brakes when he wants to wear orange plaid shorts with a green shirt.  I cannot allow my children to walk around looking like a rainbow.  I do take issue.

Lets see what tomorrow holds...:)