Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Dirk 101

This evening Brian decided to take the kids to the park, while I prepared dinner.  Along with the kids,  Brian also decided to take Dirk.  For those of you who are thinking, "Who is Dirk?" He is the K-9.  

The K-9 who has the ability to detect bombs.

On the way to the park, Nathan asked dad, "Does Dirk find bad guys?" Daddy replied, "No he finds bad things."

Nathan:  Does he find guns?
Daddy: Yes
Nathan: Does he find candles?
Daddy: No candles aren't dangerous  (Nathan is clearly not speaking to a Fireman)
Nathan:  Does he find Dynamite
Daddy:  (Laughing)  Yeah he actually does

Brian came to me, inquiring, "Where does he get these things"

Maybe Nathan also watches Bomb Patrol Afghanistan.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

I was 12 not 4 years old

I thought it was a pretty good night.  I was watching television, Baby daddy was working on his computer, and the kids were playing around.

All of the sudden, Nathan came in running into our bedroom.  He was just running around.  But I knew something was going to happen when Katelyn also came in.

Nathan shut the bedroom door, he didn't slam it, but he did it several times taunting Katelyn.   Brian quickly got up and stomped his way to the bedroom.

Nathan must have heard him, and quickly shut the bedroom door, and locked it.

I could not hold my laughter,  not because of what he did.  I recall arguing with my parents and running to my room and locking the door before either one of my parents could get to me.  My door had a dead bolt and I knew my parents could not get in, unless they rammed the door.

In this case, Brian quickly told Nathan, "Nathan unlocked the door now!"

Nathan replied, "Ok Don't be mean", unlocked the door and ran away from the door.  He knew unlike me he was going to GET IT.

I am sorry but I was laughing through the whole thing.  I used to do that to my parents ALL the time.  One major difference I was 12 not 4 years old.  Watching Nathan  was going back in time and watching me all over again.

So I have been asked, Well what did Brian do?  He held Nathan's new Dyson vacuum hostage.  Brian held it to the top of the stairs and told Nathan if he didn't listen he was going to throw it down the stairs so it could break into little pieces. Uhhhhh....No I didn't get a picture of Brian holding the vacuum.  But it did get Nathan's attention.  No No the vacuum is ok, and so is Nathan.

It's just hilarious.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Camping Update

Well on my previous post I told you guys I wondered how long Nathan and Daddy were going to last out there in the wild life of our backyard.

Apparently, not too long.  The noise of our neighbor's yapping dogs and the high volume of vehicles passing through the street didn't give Brian the feeling of being out in the wilderness or in the middle of the Mojave Desert.

At about 2am, I heard noise downstairs.  I could hear Nathan and Daddy whispering.  It got too cold for them, a whopping 28 degrees.  While Brian had a sleeping bag that protects him  during 0 degree weather, Nathan's didn't.  Even though Nathan's little body was still warm, dad got concern and brought him back inside.

When I talked to Nathan this morning,  I asked him ,"How was camping?" He replied, "I was too cold and we could get sick."  "I don't like camping anymore."

Well that settles it.  I knew it too.  Nathan's daddy wanted to take him on an off road trip though the Mojave Desert.  Well Daddy there is your answer.  The only time this kid will be in the Mojave Desert, it will be riding on a boat though Lake Mojave.  LOL.......

And by the way, let me just add both Nathan and Daddy are quite cranky.  Teach you to camp, when you have a perfectly warm and cozy bed. Boys....

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Nathan goes camping

Nathan wasted no time putting his new sleeping, flashlight, new pajamas, Swiss knife and tape measure to use.

As soon as he opened it, he was asking when are we going camping,  I was gracious enough to tell him, "Mommy doesn't go camping"  He replies , "But Why?"  Well Nathan there are no showers when camping, and daddy exclaimed, "there are no bathrooms,"  ''So where do I go?", he replied his own questions and said, "He could go on the floor."  I told him, yup that could very well happen.

Nathan didn't care, he told me the boys are going camping and the girls are staying inside, I said that is a GREAT idea.

Well the Boys didn't travel far, their trip took them as far as their backyard and then came in for sandwiches. 

Merry Christmas

We wish you all had a wonderful Christmas.  We at the Nathan household had a great time.  Nathan left cookies for Santa Claus and reindeer food on the lawn.

This morning he woke up to some presents.  He was disappointed that mommy made a request to Santa for more clothes. My mistake I won't do that again.  I felt he was a little down because of it.  However, he did forget that the night before he opened up most of the toy gifts that Santa left at Roxy's gramma's house.  He did get  a sleeping bag as he requested.

I could see the wheels turning inside his head when he thought Santa was only coming to his house.  But how come he left presents at Roxy's gramma's house and Uncle Shawn's house.

Here is to spending Christmas with family and cousins.

Nathan did open up a gift that Santa himself had personally given him when he stop by the other day,

 Nathan got his own Dyson Vacuum.  He will put it to work as soon as possible.

I have to say even though Nathan had been acting up quite a bit, many would tell me that he was only worked up for Christmas and had a lot of extra excitement, you know on and on.   I was very proud on his behavior during the family functions.  He was able to walk away when he felt something or someone was going to get him in trouble, he shared and he listened.  A little help from Santa doesn't hurt.

The boys were savvy enough to know there was going to be no tattle tailing unless someone was hurt or going to get hurt.  And, here comes the call, "Mom,  Auntie Dianne,"  "Yes"  One of the babies is going to fall down the stairs."

I was about 10 feet away, I walked over and saw Katelyn on top of a ride a long car, tilt over on the stairs headed down.  Both the boys were holding the car.  Katelyn thought she was going to go sleighing down the stairs.  "WHOA"

Happy Holidays

Friday, December 23, 2011

Driving Lessons II

A few days back, Nathan, Katelyn and I were stuck in traffic, I noticed one lane was going faster than the other.  Apparently so did Nathan.  Only that while I was going to merge from the number 2 lane to the number 1 lane on a merging freeway, Nathan was referring to the shoulder.  As I switched lanes he told me, "No mommy I mean that lane, why don't you go on that lane."  I told Nathan, "That is the shoulder Nathan, only emergency vehicles can go there.  Fire trucks use that lane to get to an accident so they don't get stuck in traffic like us."  Trust me the kid had a good idea.  I probably  have done it before, which is why he was telling to drive on that lane.

Sometime after that, on our way  to school.  I was driving behind  the street sweeper, yeah the one that is going five miles an hour and cars are starting to stack up behind me.  Not wanting to be the CAR that is the cause of a back up on a single lane road, I pass it up on the left.

Nathan, quickly tells, "Mommy what you did back there wasn't very nice."  Confused I asked exactly what it was that I did that wasn't nice.  He replied, "The street sweeper was doing his job and you just passed him."
How can I put this to a four year old.  I don't have the patience, and neither did the five cars behind me to stay behind the sweeper.  I replied,  "Nathan, you don't like traffic, if I would have stayed behind the sweeper we would have caused a lot of traffic."  I was only trying to help everybody.

Can this four year old stop trying to give mommy Driving Lessons........

Nathan Goes to Legoland

After a long drive to San Diego, and dropping off presents at Nathan's Nina's house, what were we suppose to do?  It's Christmas time and everyone needed to get out of the house.  I told Nathan,  "We are going to San Diego" To which he replied, "Is San Diego Far?"  Well far enough for you to drive your daddy and mommy nuts on the road.  I was only thinking it.  I didn't tell him that.  I did recommend he get his Leapster to keep him busy on this road trip.

Brian and I are going back and fourth about going to Legoland, We called it the "The L word"  Nathan over heard the conversation, to which I reply, "Layla"  If he wanted to stop by and see Layla, he would have be a good boy.  Surprisingly enough, he was.

It was Snow days at Legoland 

While we were there Nathan wanted too climb the Firehouse

Nathan made it to the window, at which point he lost his balance and down he came.  But it was a great start Jr. Firefighter

Nathan's visit with Santa

After a long week of Nathan outburst and not so good notes from school.  Nathan finally had a visit from the big guy himself.  He was asked by Santa if he had been a good boy, of course he replied, "YES".  "What do you want for Christmas?" Nathan replies, " A Trash Truck".  We will have to see if he got it or not.



To All A Merry Christmas

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Nathan, Future LA Co FireFighter

Well after a few days it took to recover, from "Mommy I want to throw up".  Which lasted three days for me.  After Nathan, I started and lets say it was not pretty.  Nathan, was up and going maybe at 85% which was a pleasant pace.

Jimmy Kimmel had a request for  parents to, "I gave my kid a terrible present for X mas" and record their reactions.

Nathan saw the reactions and presents the kids received, his words were, "That's gross" 

Well here is our terrible present to Nathan,

                                                           How do you like those fireman boots

                           Jimmy Kimmel this is what we call a Present at the Nathan Household

Monday, December 12, 2011

Mommy, I want to throw up

Nathan didn't want much dinner today,  it wasn't his normal, "I don't like this dinner", more like "my tummy hurts."  I believed him since he wasn't his spunky self.  I gave him some Pepto.  I figured he needed to go potty and couldn't.  That wasn't the case.

The rest of us had dinner, however, Nathan kept complaining his tummy was still hurting.  I started to make him some chamomile.

As I was cooling off the Chamomile, he was sitting next to me on the couch, he says, "I want to throw up".
Just as I was encouraging him it was probably a good idea, Brian came  from behind the couch, picked him up and took him towards the bathroom.  Ahhhh,  two seconds too late, Throw Up Everywhere on the tile floor.  Luckily for us it was on the tile floor and not on the couch.  Blueberries and bananas EVERYWHERE....

Agh, Like Nathan would say, "That is disgusting". As bad as that was it wasn't as bad as the time, Nathan walked up to my bed around three in the morning, he said to me, "Mommy I don't feel good".  The next thing I know I am wearing his throw up all over me, the bed and the rug.

This time it was much better, and now if you ask Nathan how he feels,  "I feel much better"

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

10-33 give me the patch

One morning a few days back, I began looking for my radio.  I thought I had it in the front seat with me. When I say radio, I am not referring to an Am/Fm but more like my work one.

Ironically I found it in the back seat tucked in behind Nathan's booster seat.  I thought, that is very odd.  I would have never put it there.  A flash went through my mind that Mr. Nathan might have gotten a hold of it but ignored it.

Why???  Why would I ignore an instinct when it comes to Nathan....

The following day, I found it peculiarly quiet on the way to work.  Both Nate and Katelyn were being very good.  I would hear 10-33 Give me the patch,,

I quickly adjusted my mirror to see what Nathan was doing in the back seat.  I could see he was talking on the mic, with MY radio.  I knew it.  That little guy has been taking my radio and probably transmitting through out the county.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

It's not what you say, Its what you do

This morning once again, Nathan came into my room to wake me up.  He wanted me to turn on his television.

Let me explain, Nathan knows how to turn his television on, and change channels.  He can sure find Sponge Bob when he is not allowed to watch it.  So why is it that he thought coming into my room early in the morning was going to help anyone.

I replied, "Nathan you can turn on your t.v."  Oh my god, those words killed him.  He started up with the ahhhh, kicking throwing himself on the floor.  Nathan, is 4 1/2 years old not a toddler.  That episode is the number one way to get me started on the wrong foot.

I don't think anyone, looks forward to waking up with someone, that instead of getting a good morning hug and kiss, it's the beginning of a south central stand off between the bad guys and the good guys.

Nathan was told immediately to go back his room,  of course that didn't happened.  Lets just say he returned back to his room.

However, it takes me a while to shake it off.  I end up staying in a bad mood,  we had fun plans for the day.  When do I start cancelling all our events in order to show him fun events merit good behavior.  Does everything become, "if you don't do this, then you wont get this".  After all he won't be the only one getting punished.  Katelyn and I won't get to hang out with our family at Roxy's birthday party.

We all manage to get ready, I can hear Nathan going downstairs.  A little later, he came in my room  and told me, "Mom I packed my lunch using my lunch box from when I was little." 

Inside he had a banana, yogurt, and orange and a water.  I found that to be an excellent choice of snacks.

What I mean by it's not what you say it's what you do, this is a perfect example.  Nathan watches me every morning pack my lunch.  Trying to eat healthier and keeping the unwanted lbs.

I thought it was funny that he had the mindset to do that.

All until I found him and Katelyn, going through the bedroom trash sucking on pistachios shells.  Really, Nathan you are going to pick those shells out from the trash.

I can say something over and over and over, it goes in one ear and out the other.

I wish he could see me sleep and he could sleep some more.  That is really what I'd like to see.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

What Nathan doesn't Katelyn does

We sat down for dinner.  Everything seemed to be going very well.  (For about 5 minutes).  However,  five minutes in this house is a long time.

All of the sudden things took a change for the worse from 0 to 150,,,Brian's speed.

Apparently, Katelyn and Nathan don't like corn.  However, Nathan had an incentive.  When he finished his dinner, he would get a piece of pumpkin pie and watch a movie.

Katelyn doesn't understand  that concept just yet.  All Katelyn knew is that she wanted more garlic bread, Dad was determined not to give in until she ate her food.

It got to the point where Dad began to feed her, only to have Katelyn spit it out (Like when she was 6 months LMAO).

Well Dad did not like this.  Katelyn was put on time out.  It got to the point Dad even moved the play Kitchen, Katelyn would move it back. Both went back and forth, back and forth.  LOL.......

As dad was guarding Katelyn on her time out, she would get up, Dad would walk towards her and she would plant her behind on the floor.  This went on three or four times  For the first time what I was witnessing was comical.  Dad was literally arguing with this two year old. Nathan says, "Dad you need to be nice to MY sister, you need to go upstairs."

Dad responded with a firm, "No".  I have never seen Katelyn so upset.  She cried and cried and cried.  All she wanted was a piece of garlic bread.

Does anyone know the number to Nanny 911.....

Nope she did not get her piece of garlic bread, what she got was taken upstairs and given her bath.  She was still crying.

Mean while, Nathan is chilling like a cucumber watching Johnny Bravo.

What Nathan doesn't do in one night, Katelyn sure made up for it.

Now she is asking me for food.  Well Well you should have ate your dinner little lady.

                                                            She is with mommy now

Saturday, November 26, 2011

What happened to the Dish soap

Yesterday morning Nathan was kind enough to let me sleep in.  Around 7:30am he came into my room, saying, "Mommy I need a little help,"  I noticed he was coming from downstairs.  OH BOY.  He said, "I need help with my waffle"  I get downstairs and saw he had a toaster struddle out.  He told me that he didn't know how to use the toaster.  All I am thinking, "THANK GOD."

He says, "Look mommy I took out my waffle and cream"  I see Nathan, that is very good.  Just to let you know Nathan, You never, never place your hands inside the toaster OK.  "OK Mommy"

Nathan returns upstairs with his breakfast.  Ok, now it's time for mommy to get showered and ready.

I return back to Nathan's room, only to find him in the bathroom,  "Mommy, I am washing dishes."  I see that he has the hand soap and all the towels are wet.  "Nathan, lets not do this ok.  And why is the mirror all wet? "Because I was washing it.", he says.   No No let us clean up and go.

Fast forward to this morning, once again Nathan comes into the bedroom, he says he is hungry.  We both go downstairs.  He asked for two devil eggs, one yogurt and juice.  Back up to his room we go.  I returned to bed, everyone else was still asleep just like I'd like to be.

About thirty minutes later, I heard Nathan in his bathroom, I didn't hear anything breaking so I jumped in the shower.  A few minutes later, Brian came in and told me, "your boy says he is washing dishes"   I replied, "Yes that is his thing lately, I found him doing the same yesterday."

Everyone gets ready, Before I went downstairs I tried to get into Nathan's bathroom  to get neosporin out of the medicine cabinet.  It's locked.

I don't want to know.  I really don't want to know.

Forget it, I'll get neosporin downstairs.  The rest of us had breakfast.  Brian was getting ready to rinse the dishes, and said to me, "What happened to the soap?" "And what happened to the sponge".  I thought, my parents were here they must have moved it.

I asked Nathan, "Hey Nathan did you eat your devil eggs," he says "I ate one"
"Well what happened to the other" I asked, he says he threw in the trash.

Before I could process his answer, all I could think was the bathroom was locked, the soap and sponge were missing and where was that Devil Egg?

I came back upstairs to the bathroom, I am fully expecting rotten egg in my bathroom sink, dish soap everywhere, towels  drenched with water and  soap.

Well to my my surprise the egg was in the trash and our kitchen soap and sponge were in the bathroom.  No other damage at this time.

Nathan goes to Knotts Merry Farm

                                                                    Nathan & Katelyn

On our way to Knotts, Nathan continued to ask me if where we were going was far.  I told him it was a little far but not too bad.  He was curious to know what Knotts Merry Farm was like even though he has already been there five other times.  I described it to him like it was the fair but even better and that Snoopy was going to be there.

                                                                       Nathan & Snoopy

Nathan was very gracious in seeing Snoopy again, his sister on the other hand wanted nothing to do with him or the Peanut Gang.

                                              Nathan makes friends with  the Outlaw Cowboys

After riding the Denver Colorado Express, Nathan  made his way to the ice cream shop and enjoyed the parade.  In all a very good day for him.  Despite the lines being a little long for my liking both Katelyn and Nathan enjoyed themselves, making friends, smiles and lots of laughs.

To all we wished you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.......


Friday, November 25, 2011

Nathan, is it ever easy with you

After a fun filled day, a GREAT day for everyone, of course it needs to come to an end.

Nathan doesn't always get it.  In this case after a long day at the theme park, both Nathan and Katelyn passed out.  Both were snoring away in the back seat of the car.  I thought for sure they were done for the night.  We made it home both still snoring away.  I walked to the front door and unlocked it and turn the alarm off.

By the time I returned to the car (Maybe 20 seconds)  Nathan's passenger door was open, all the lights in the car were on, the neighbor across the street, who thinks he could play the saxophone was playing the saxophone.  Of course Katelyn was now going off, scared and confused.  I grab Katelyn, take her upstairs and try to calm her down.  I was hoping to get her back to bed without a huge ordeal.

Nathan was sharp enough to come inside the house and lock the front door,  I was actually pretty impressed.  All I could think is hurry the front door and car door are probably still open, but they weren't.

I returned down stairs to get K a cup of milk, and there was Nathan coming up the stairs Stomping HIS FEET,,, really???? You can't be a little quieter.

So of course, he began to have a meltdown in the stair way.  I know he was tired.  "Nathan, please wait for me in your room."  I was getting really upset.  I return with Katelyn's milk and tuck her in.

I then went to Nathan's room,,,,,Oh boy here we go: Round One:  Nathan take off your pants and your boots, after three times, I was loosing it and raising my voice each time.  He says, "I want to take off my shirt"   Really Nathan, does it matter what comes off first.

I tried helping him with his shirt, he starts to cry, "You aren't being very nice."  "Why"  "Because you are screaming"  "Nathan I've told you five times already to take off your clothes so I can put your pajamas on."

"Pajamas, ahhhhhh I don't want pajamas"  "Nathan, everyone is tired and you are going to bed."  "What about my bath." No bath today,  "ahhhhh"

Round two: Bath or no Bath

Ok, are you going to take a bath, No.  When I agree to no bath, he says yes he wants a bath.  At this point you are now taking your bath and washing your stinky feet now lets go.  After bath you will go to bed.

Bath complete

Round three:

Getting to bed, "Nathan get in bed you are tired and it's time for you to relax your body and rest so we can have another great day tomorrow."

He starts with with complaining and crying, which by the way I feel a coronary coming on.  He is still complaining that I am not nice and I am not fair.  I asked Nathan, "Do you think your mommy is mean?"  He says "No"    "Ok then what is the problem?"  "Well you get mad when I do something wrong."  "So Nathan what are mommies suppose to do, let you do what ever you want."  He looks at me with a very confused, then mad then confused again look.

He gets in bed, I sing him his songs, make up with him, pray and it's light out......

Round four:  Nathan comes inside my bedroom and says he needs medicine because he is sick.  I said to him, "You weren't sick when you were at Knotts and you were eating ice cream."  He responds, " I lost my voice, you were screaming and I lost my voice,"  "How is it that me screaming causes YOU to loose your voice, god probably took it away because all you do is scream."

He returns to his room.

Round  Five:

Nathan keeps asking me for his medicine, at this point I am so delirious that I really don't even know what to give him and for what.  I look in their medicine box and I see a bottle.  I pick it up, Nathan looks at me and says, "What is that?"  I take it that is not what he is looking for.

Oh yeah, Nathan wanted his allergy medicine, opps got it.  Here you go Nathan, take your allergy medicine.  It's time to go to sleep now.  He says, "Aren't you going to tuck me in?"  Nathan, I already tucked you in 30 minutes ago,  it's not my fault you keep getting out of bed.  He ends it with,, "Good Night Mommy"

Lets see how long it is before Round Six....Can it ever be easy

Friday, November 18, 2011

Nathan goes to the LA Zoo

Well after an orangutan escaped from  his cage, the Los Angeles Zoo was placed on full lock down until zoo staff was able to return him back to his cage.

Well a large size Chimp wasn't going to stop Nathan from enjoying his day at the zoo.
Nathan & Emma

                                                          Nathan taking a stroll with his girls

Nathan said to Emma's mommy and I, that he would hold the babies hands and he did.


Nathan's Sleepover

So after a long day of fun at the LA Zoo, We decided to stop Nathan's Abuelo's House.

Nathan wanted vegetable soup.  He kept asking me if I was going to PF Chang?  I didn't have any plans to go and Baby daddy was working.  Nathan said to me that I should still go and he could sleepover at his grandparent's house.  Nonetheless, we all hung out for a bit.  Nathan's kept asking me if we were going to have a sleepover, and I kept saying,  "probably not."  My parents, who rarely get to see him now were also inquiring, "Dejalo"  Meaning, "Leave Him Here"

The problem is when Nathan is with my parents he thinks it's a party like "1999"  He stays up late and wakes up early.

Nathan asked me, "Mommy can we have a sleepover at abuelo's house"  I said, "Nathan you don't have any clothes, what about clean chonis?"  Well he says, "Yes I do".  I knew that most of Nathan's clothes weren't at my parent house, I said, "If you can find pajamas and chonis"  Nathan says, "Abuelo has pajamas", "Yeah but they are too big for you." As resourceful as he is he says, "What about if I go to the room and find some, then can I stay?"  "Why don't you go stay with your family?" 

Umm, my family, I thought I am YOUR family.  I told him, "Nathan you are my family."  He says, "well you can come visit."

Nathan leaves the room, when he comes back he is carrying an outfit, gym shorts and shirt and a new pair of chonis.  He says, "you see mom I have pajamas and clean chonis"

Despite me not wanting to leave him, I say ok.  He needed to be in his best behavior.

I said, Ok lets go give you your bath and get you ready for bed.  We take his bath and go into my parent's spare room,  Nathan asks me, "where is my sister going to sleep, Abuelo took the Elmo bed apart."  I replied, "Nathan, Katelyn is not staying here, she is going home with me."  He replied "ok but can you pick me up for school after breakfast.  And tell abuelo what my favorite breakfast is"

As I was leaving Nathan tells me, "Mommy don't crash into any cars and drive careful on the road."

And so it is, Nathan's sleepover.....Good luck mom and dad.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

I am not mad, We are just talking

A few weeks back, I got a little ticked at Anonymous for killing a moth by using the kids decorative towels.

He didn't get the memo that those towels are for looks only and not to be touched.  Who uses a nice towel to kill a moth?

Apparently today, as Nathan was in the bathroom he tells his dad, "Daddy can I tell you something," Dad replies, "Sure Nathan,"   "I didn't like that you used my towel to kill the moth." Dad looks confused, Nathan continues to say  "I am not mad at you, we are just talking."

Ironically we say that a lot.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Oops Katelyn

Yes, it happened here....Can you believe it.  Katelyn has a habit of playing with a choo choo train and putting it to her hair.  Well Today we couldn't get to her in time and we couldn't remove her hair with out you guessed it..CHOP CHOP...

Well it must have been a scissor cutting night but not to worry, Nathan can fix it

The End

Like Mother, Like Son

Or should I say Like Father,

In this case I am a little confused.  A little of both if you ask me.

As I was picking up K's room,,, umm does it seem like I am always picking up and cleaning?  You moms KNOW.

Well, I was in Katelyn's room, when I heard, "Get out of my room", "Get out of my room right this minute, I don't want you in my room," Sound familiar?  It did to me.  I walked over there to see why Nathan was acting like MOMMY,  Well apparently Nathan had set up his room into an office.  He had placed his sofa chair in front of his desk, brought his computer over and according to him he was working before Katelyn pinched him.  Now that sounds like somebody else I know,  Any guesses.  It reminds me of the other adult in this house, who shall remain nameless since I am not allowed to make reference to him on this blog, we will call him/her anonymous.

I went over to his room, took K out of the room,  a little short time later I returned, with Katelyn. I left,  they both had a little break from each other.

 A few minutes later all I heard was, " Katelyn out of my office, Mom get Katelyn out of my office, please,"  "Mommy I don't see you, are you going to come Please Please."

I go back to his room, and asked Nathan,  "Can I ask why Katelyn can't play in here?  "Because she is going to mess up these papers, and I can't work."

What exactly, he is working on is still unknown.  I took Katelyn out again, and told her I would let her play with my phone instead.  Who comes into my room with his computer,,,umm Nathan..

As much as his sister gets on his nerves, he still chases her and me.

So back to the Like Mother, Like Son.  I take a lot of credit for Nathan's personality but I think in this case, he was really channeling the other half as well.

So as I sit here typing away, Miss K sitting almost on my lap, with her computer on her lap typing away.  It's hilarious........ Like Mother, Like Daughter........

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Mornings, Schools, ETC

Ahhh talk about a morning.  You know I figured since time change, Nathan would actually sleep in more  kind of like I do) but the answer is NO.  He actually wakes up earlier.  This specific morning at 0621 am.  AHHHHH.

"Nathan, can you go back to your room and sleep, play read, watch t.v, etc".  Sure, he returns back to his room, twenty to thirty minutes later he comes back in, all dressed and ready to go.  May I mention with his dress sweater, put on backwards and dress shoes.  He says, "Mommy, hurry up get ready, I am going to be late for school."

Seriously, you are going to be late for school.  What I am really thinking is the the following , "Who is telling you, you are late for school?"  Nathan replies, "Jacques." 

"well you tell Jacques not to worry what time you get to school, you're in Pre school."

Just as we finish the conversation, Nathan could hear Katelyn awake in her room.  "Mommy Katelyn is awake"

AHHHHH, more drama.  I am a firm believer in divide and conquer, I get more accomplished and faster.  Nathan asked if he can go into her room.  I told Nathan, "Go play with Katelyn, while I get ready.  Make sure you don't NOT COME IN MY ROOM while I get ready."  Like I said faster.

I start to get ready, just as I was almost done, here they come, yelling, crying , winning, running..  Ahhhh too early for this commotion.

It started to go South, in about two minutes, I start yelling.  Nathan, looks at me and asked me, "Mommy why are you yelling at Katelyn?"  As I am trying to get over the fact that he just checked because really I can't even remember as I write this why I was yelling.

I replied, "Because I told you not to let Katelyn in my room, I didn't want you guys in here until I was ready, and I am really upset at the fact that you come into my room early in the morning and woke me up, I don't go in your room and wake you up, I let you sleep in, Mommy and Katelyn like to sleep"   


I really do not like to be woken up, none the less we got through the morning.  We had a good breakfast and even though we were 45 minutes ahead of our schedule, Katelyn and Nathan played.  I cleaned my house, wash the dishes, swept, took out the trash etc.  I was happy my house was clean.

On our way to school, I needed to stop by the local elementary school to confirm registration for Kinder, (for the 10th time).

So that strikes up a conversation with Nathan.  He asked, "Mommy what is this school?  I told him it's an elementary.  "Mommy how many kinds of schools are there?  I reply, "well there is elementary, junior high school, high school and college."  Nathan replies, "WHOA, there are a lot of schools in the world."

Well I hope he gets the point because he has a long way to go.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Baseball Player

Well Nathan's season for winter ball is over, which brings me to the following:

"Mommy, I am a baseball player and I am not afraid of the boogie man, bad guys or cholos, because I can punch them and I  can kick them."

Nathan may not be afraid of the above, but THUNDER had him going.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Diced Cheese

Lately, I've been catching Nathan in little lies, but his mouth might be moving, it doesn't mean I usually believe what comes out of it.

Nathan asked for a snack after dinner.  I found these little snack packs with diced cheese, pretzels, carrots and grapes.

Immediately Nathan says, "No No I don't want diced cheese, I am allergic to diced cheese."  This is the second time I have heard him say that and not really sure where it started from.  Since I know he is not allergic to diced cheese.

I gave Katelyn half of the snack pack.  Both start munching down on goodies.  Nathan made a comment about how he was not going to eat the cheese.  I gave him that look that suggested he better eat everything.

I got distracted a little, not by much because I was still only three feet away from Nathan and Katelyn.  I saw that Nathan snack box was all empty.  I asked Nathan if he ate everything including the dice cheese.  Nathan said, "YES."

UMMM, something was not right, 

I asked Nathan, "Nathan did you eat the cheese or did you give it to Katelyn?"  He replies, "I ate it,"  But like every other time his face cannot keep up with the lies he says.  I asked him, "Nathan, did you put your cheese in Katelyn's bowl ?" Nathan starts laughing.  Which tells me he was trying to sneak his diced cheese into his sister's bowl.

Rushing to become a teenager

So far there has been a lot of talk about teenagers in this household.

This morning, Nathan woke up and got ready, he looked at himself in the mirror and said, "Look mommy I am as tall as the sink now,  I am like a Teenager."

I replied, "Yes you are getting bigger but not a teenager yet." He looked at me in disbelief.

Later that morning, I reminded him it was pajama day at school, and suggested he wear his pajamas.  Once again he looked at me like if I was crazy.  Let me guess, a teenager wouldn't be caught dead wearing pajamas at school right.

During breakfast I asked Nathan, "Why do you want to be a teenager?"  "What is wrong with being Nathan now?" He looked at me with those big brown eyes, confused...For the first time Nathan was Speechless.

I guess there is nothing wrong with being 4year old Nathan,,, ENJOY

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A little help in here

As we were getting up a few mornings ago.  Nathan comes inside our room, we start to get ready and in order to distract Nathan I asked him to get Katelyn from her room.

I've noticed this is a treat for him, he feels like the big brother and in complete control.

I sent him to her room, as he runs there, he is saying,  "No daddy, I am going to go, I am the big brother."

I hear him open her bedroom door, and start to yell like the world was coming to an end.  Apparently Katelyn emptied out her drawers, attempted to take her diaper off.  Nathan begins to scream, "A little help in here, hello A little help in here...."

If we didn't know any better, well we do.  Brian tells me, " He sounds just like you, that is something you would say."

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Nathan's Face Paint

Hello to all, it's been a while since we have had a story to tell about our little Nathan.

It's 9:30pm,  and Nathan comes barging into our room.  Normally we would quickly correct him and return him back to his room.  This time it was different.

I notice Nathan has red marker all over his face.  I asked Nathan, "Nathan what did you do to your face?" He replies, "Katelyn drew all over my face...." LMAO  hahahahahaha.

Katelyn didn't do that Nathan, "Yeah she did"

Ok here are the facts, Katelyn has been in bed since 8:30pm, No I would say Katelyn didn't do it.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Nathan gets benched at Little League

Nathan went to baseball practice and he was given three rules to concentrate on:

1. Don't cover your face with the glove
2. Don't play with the sand
3. When you throw the ball, watch where you throw it.

I asked him to repeat the rules to me and he did.

So we are at practice, I noticed that the head coach was actually coaching Nathan, not so much one on one but close to him, specific directions, he was on him.  I thought, it's about time.  Being Nathan's first season, zero experience, and everything is still  new to him, it was probably one of the best moves.

Nathan was actually running his bases pretty good, he was throwing better than I have seen him throw, and Brian told me he was batting ok.  So all in all I thought pretty good.  I had to call him out a couple of times,  in which Nathan replies, "Nathan, Nathan, Nathan!!!" I have to admit I got a kick out of that.

What I didn't get a kick out of is the coach send Nathan to the dug out,  all I heard was, "Nathan go to the dung out"

You know I must have turned my head  for five seconds, I then I watched my son walking towards the dug out.

I wanted to say what the F***.  Really dude this is T Ball not the National league.  Aren't you suppose to encourage these kids instead of turning them off to the sport.  If you don't have the patience for four year old kids than go coach something else.  I put Nathan In T Ball so he can learn sportstmenship, teamwork and stay busy.  Not to get send to the dug out on a time out. He has me for that.  Have you tried talking to Nathan?  No you haven't.  Even Pre schools do not give kids a time out, because its shameful and a form of punishment.

How are you going to do that to Nathan,  I really felt like having some words with this man.   But I walked away.  He did talk to Nathan after the practice but I disagreed on how he addressed it.  Every kid has their quirk, not every child at four years old listen to specific instructions and most four year old children aren't going to stay focus for an hour.  New flash coach.....You were an educator right?????

Nathan Little Lies

We were getting ready to leave this morning, I was grabbing some few things out of my bedroom.  Nathan and Katelyn were in the hallway.  I heard banging, wasn't really sure what it was or where it was coming from.  I walked back to the hallway and Katelyn tells me, "Hurt Fish", Hurt Fish".

Umm I  knew exactly what she meant, "I said Nathan were you banging the fish tank?"  You are going to scare the fish.  Nathan replies, "No Mommy it wasn't me, it was Katelyn, she brought a chair and bang the fish tank and hurried up and put it away before you came."

OK first of all I was gone 20 seconds.  You mean to tell me your toddler sister, who can barely carry a cup in one hand and a toy in another without falling.  She brought the stool over, bang the fish tank and ran back and put the step stool away without any trace or evidence of such event occurring.  Nathan's response, "Yes mommy Katelyn did it."  I tried to explain to Nathan that Katelyn is talking more and she can actually tell me what happened, so his version won't always be the only version.

In addition, I have caught Nathan in some very elaborate lies, he has been coming up with the most outrageous chain of events, and Katelyn always seems to be the guilty one.

I don't think Nathan realizes that Katelyn is still not capable of doing all the things his imaginations leads him to believe she can do, thus turning into Nathan little lies.....

How do I explain it

This morning I woke up got in the shower.  I brushed my teeth, As I was brushing my teeth, Nathan walks in and says, "Mommy why do you brush your teeth in the morning?"

I should have said, "Because it's important to brush our teeth and keep our teeth healthy and have pearly whites."

But it was the morning and I was tired, so I could not come up with a good explanation other than, Well people (I at the time) have bad breath in the morning.  It sounded so ugly and disgusting.  I quickly tried to rectify it and call it morning breath.  But Nathan was quicker than I could think at the time and said, "I don't have to brush my teeth in the morning because I don't have bad breath in the morning, right mommy" 

Newsflash Nathan, yes you do.  So in the morning when mommy says, "Let's go brush your teeth, it's not because we want to, but I could still smell last night's dinner on your breath."

I know that the question of brushing your teeth is one of the many first to follow, "Daddy why do you shave, why do you put deodorant on, why this why that.  In four year old terms How Do I explain it........

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Nathan and the Anaheim Ducks

Lets Play Hockey

Nathan welcomes you to Honda Center, where the Ducks face off with the St. Louis Blues

Final Score: Ducks 4 St. Louis went home crying the Blues as they lost with a score of 2.

Corey Perry  #10 won the Heart Trophy for MOST VALUABLE PLAYER

Nathan enjoyed the game, with popcorn, ice cream and lemonade.

See you at the next game Duck Fans and keep a look out for this Duck Fan

Nathan goes to the Pumpkin Patch

You think he picked a small Pumpkin, Think Again....

That is more like it, Nathan  Always go bigger...

Ride  though a little hay and .....

Get a chance to fed a lazy goat.

All in a days work

Monday, October 10, 2011

Nathan's Little league

Nathan has the look down, now he just needs to improve his game.  He is successful at running bases.

We are working on his attention span out in the field.  Any recommendations????

Like Father, Like Son

They Say kids become what their parents are

Nathan and his Dad reading PC Magazine


A special Drink

Nathan asked me yesterday, "Mommy I want a special Drink."

In my mind, I thought Gatorade, soda, what does Nathan think is a 'special Drink.

He says to me, "I want water, Juice, ice, strawberries and salt."

He just gave me the recipe for A Strawberry Margarita, did someone send him to bartender school already.

I asked Nathan, "Nathan do you want a margarita?" He smiles and gives me that devious look.  OH BOY....

I told him you can have everything, but lets hold the salt.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Good Night

For a while now, Nathan has entered a new stage in which he loves to play games at night.  After we tuck him in, all of the sudden he hears noises inside his room, or he is hungry or thirsty, or he needs to go potty.  Anything and everything he could think of.

So today,  I am riding solo and I know I have to maintain my composure and exercise much patience.

I have also been getting not so nice notes from school, regarding certain remarks Nathan has been heard saying.

Apparently, he told somebody, "Your acting like a fool"... WHAT WERE YOU THINKING HE SAID? Nonetheless, that is a violation of conduct at school.

It may not seem like something very serious but I don't want to hear that coming from Nathan.

Today, after a long talk yesterday,Nathan  had a "GOOD DAY" at school.  I rewarded him by taking him to eat at his favorite pizza place, Red Brick Pizza, he had a salad, hahaha and pizza too.

After we went to the park and played tag.

As we were coming home, he asked if we can draw pictures.  So I brought out scissors, glue, paper, etc.  Nathan made a nice card for his daddy.  (Check it out, when you get home shooter).

We then came upstairs and both him and K took their baths, all cleaned and in Pjs.  Now they are both hungry again.

We go back downstairs for a snack.  I am preparing  Katelyn to say good night to Nathan.

I take K to her room, and specifically tell the little tornado, Nathan that I will be back for him and tuck him in and to please wait for me in his bedroom.

Of course, that wasn't going to happen, he goes inside Katelyn's room, turns on the lights, and asked me how long will it be before I go to his room.  I said, "5 minutes".

Well I make it back to Nathan's room only to find him in  my room, probably trying to get something he wasn't suppose to.

We return to his room and read a book. I specifically said only one book.  At the end of the story he gets upset because I am not reading another book.  I firmly told him that I wasn't going to read another book and he could get one himself and read it in bed.  He didn't like that.  Nathan tries to block the door to prevent me from leaving.  Really, Nathan?  You and your 46 lbs, 43 inches is going to stop me?

He was unsuccessful, so he runs around into my bedroom, thinking it was funny.  My blood pressure is going higher and higher, and mommy dearest is getting tired of being nice.  I instructed Nathan to return to his room, NOW,  he replies, "Spank Me."  It was more like a dare and I figured it out, he is trying to sucker me into a rapidly evolving and  uncertain situation,  some of you follow me?

I told Nathan,  "I am not going to spank you Nathan, I am going to rip the t.v off the wall from your room and take your toys."  Nathan by his own accord, marched his way back into his room.  Remind you of any people we deal with when we are trying to achieve something?

So as I attempted to wine down, who comes marching back in my room?  I was ready for war,  However, my dear Nathan walks up to my bed and I could see he is holding my Tiffany and Co ring, He says, "Mommy I found this in my room, on top of the dresser, I knew you would want it" 

Ahhh is he a sweetheart?  Thank You Nathan and Good Night

Sunday, October 2, 2011


Ever walk around the house trying to remember where you left your keys?  Yes I know there are some people who loose everything and are very forgetful.  I am not one of those people.  I can remember what you said and what you wore at a simple get together 5 years ago.

However, when you add the tension of Nathan and Katelyn, things can go SOUTH, very quick.  I knew I had the keys because I opened the front door.  I was carrying K up the stairs because she was asleep and I was trying to get Nathan down as well.  That was the last time I saw the keys.

So I am trying to find my keys to get to the grocery store.  I was trying to remember, I look at Katelyn and asked her, "Katelyn Have you seen my keys?" But only to be funny. She replies, "YEEES" HUH..... Confused and delusional I asked, "Where are mommy's keys?" She points upstairs.  My mind is racing, where did I leave them and how long did  'they have my keys.

I start to go upstairs, and Nathan yells, "They are on top of the hockey table" My first instinct was to ignore him, but they are becoming pretty precise on what they say.  I know I didn't go inside the hockey room all day, so what would they be doing in there.

I walk inside the hockey room, and sure enough they are on top of what Nathan calls the "Hockey table".  I walk back downstairs and asked, Who was playing with my keys,

Nathan were you playing with my keys?  Nathan replies, Yes

Katelyn were you playing with my keys? Katelyn replies, Yes

I told them both, I hope you didn't unlock the car and let a bad guy get away with YOUR baseball bat.  Nathan didn't think it was funny any more.

I Carley, I Nathan

Today Nate, Kate and I had a day at the mall.  It has been a while since mommy got that.

After some shopping, we stopped off at the food court for lunch.  Nathan got a Happy meal.

I noticed Nathan looking at the box, he pulls it closer and says, "I Carley" Shocked I asked, "Nathan what do you know of I Carly?"

In a quick thought, to myself, "WOW Did he just read that," or does he recognized her and even more concern, why did he recognized her." More concerning why do I know this.

Nathan, smirks at me, "I Know" I ask him, " Nathan do you watch I Carly, is that why you think your a teenager?"

Nathan smiles, But I know Nathan's smiles and that smile said a lot.

Fast forward to this evening.  I walk into Nathan's room and he is watching some Disney show.  I said to him, "You do watch I Carley" Ha ha he got caught. It turns out its Pair of Kings similar to I Carly.  Somehow, he thinks it's a show not fit for him.  Ummm sneaky little people.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Nathan stresses out

This morning Nathan tells me, "mommy I don't want to go to baseball." Umm sounds like someone is stressing out.  I got a little sad, and I told him "that  makes me sad because I was looking forward to watching you play." He quickly replies, "I want to go to baseball."

It's funny to hear kids want to please their parents, But I also want to teach him that when he starts something, he needs to finish it.  He can't  just quit because it's too challenging or he thinks its too hard.

To make him feel better, he asked me if he could wear his suit, and that before his baseball game he will change into his baseball uniform and change again for the party tonight.

So Nathan is walking around in a suit and tie with no where to go for now.

Dad asked Nathan, "Are you seriously going out like that?" Nathan replies, "I can go."  Brian offers an idea to take off the vest because it's hot.  Nathan replies, "No!"  He is serious about his wardrobe and nobody changes his mind.

We will keep you posted on how Nathan handles his stress in the field.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Nathan Carves a Pumpkin

So today Nathan helped daddy carve his Halloween Pumpkin.

Happy Carving, So I asked Nathan what the name of his pumpkin was going to be? Nathan says, "Jacques." I said, "Didn't anyone  tell you I thought his name was Jack-o-Lantern."

Katelyn & Nathan's Jack-o-lanter

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Mothers and Sons

You know for the last four years I have been trying to discover the relationships between mothers and their sons.  I have seen great ones and not so good ones.

I try my best to teach Nathan, right from wrong, good from bad, nice from  mean.  This is an ongoing lesson.  Sometimes I feel defeated, challenged, and beat.  Other times I think break through.  For the most part, I think I say it enough that one day when I am not with him, Nathan will make the right decision and become a Fine Young man, which is what every mother wishes for their boy.

Today we ventured to tackle some baseball practice and hone in some actual skill development.  We practice running bases, which he did, practice our catching.  I can tell his attention span was very limited,  and instead of his mom I was trying to be a coach along with his dad.  If you have ever met Brian or I, you should know we are the most impatient people and together we are worse.  Poor Nathan, but none the less he did good.

Lil K on the other hand will be wayyyy ready.

Nathan was very testy all day.  Even after an hour practice, we figured he would tire out and take a nap. NOPE!!!

I was so tired from running bases, I crashed, Lil K crashed but not Nathan.  The chaos was on.  So Nathan refused to take his nap.

Since Nathan didn't want to play by the rules, he did not get to carve his Halloween pumpkin. He seem to understand that he didn't get what he wanted, but it still didn't stop him.

Now fast forward to the evening, after coming home from some errands, I sat down in the office to work on the computer.  Nathan thinks it's funny to stick his fire truck ladder inside the printer. REALLY???

Nathan, how many times has mommy told you not to touch things, that aren't your.  Apparently, I can turn blue in the face and he will still try to get to things that he is not suppose to.  A little upset at his behavior I sent him to his room for the night.

Brian tucks him in, and asks me to go inside his room and say good night.  I did.

About five minutes later, Nathan comes out of his room, and walks into mine.  He asks me to kiss him good night and if I could sing him a song.  I was so upset at his bratty behavior through out the day.  I responded, "when you listen to my words I'll sing you a song, not tonight maybe tomorrow."  Nathan was so upset he walked away crying.

After a few minutes, I returned to Nathan's room.  We had a little talk, in which I tried to explained to him, that he needs to use nicer words towards mommy and he shouldn't talk back.  As I am talking to him, he interrupts me and says, "wait mommy wait one minute."  He had to stop me from talking because he had to put some toys away.  AHHHH.  Here I am trying to have a heart to heart with my four year old son.  Obviously not that important to him.

Nathan did get his song and he felt much better.  Relationships are always hard, but loving relationships between mothers and sons are complex. There is a fine line between nurturing and disciplining.