Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Nathan gets benched at Little League

Nathan went to baseball practice and he was given three rules to concentrate on:

1. Don't cover your face with the glove
2. Don't play with the sand
3. When you throw the ball, watch where you throw it.

I asked him to repeat the rules to me and he did.

So we are at practice, I noticed that the head coach was actually coaching Nathan, not so much one on one but close to him, specific directions, he was on him.  I thought, it's about time.  Being Nathan's first season, zero experience, and everything is still  new to him, it was probably one of the best moves.

Nathan was actually running his bases pretty good, he was throwing better than I have seen him throw, and Brian told me he was batting ok.  So all in all I thought pretty good.  I had to call him out a couple of times,  in which Nathan replies, "Nathan, Nathan, Nathan!!!" I have to admit I got a kick out of that.

What I didn't get a kick out of is the coach send Nathan to the dug out,  all I heard was, "Nathan go to the dung out"

You know I must have turned my head  for five seconds, I then I watched my son walking towards the dug out.

I wanted to say what the F***.  Really dude this is T Ball not the National league.  Aren't you suppose to encourage these kids instead of turning them off to the sport.  If you don't have the patience for four year old kids than go coach something else.  I put Nathan In T Ball so he can learn sportstmenship, teamwork and stay busy.  Not to get send to the dug out on a time out. He has me for that.  Have you tried talking to Nathan?  No you haven't.  Even Pre schools do not give kids a time out, because its shameful and a form of punishment.

How are you going to do that to Nathan,  I really felt like having some words with this man.   But I walked away.  He did talk to Nathan after the practice but I disagreed on how he addressed it.  Every kid has their quirk, not every child at four years old listen to specific instructions and most four year old children aren't going to stay focus for an hour.  New flash coach.....You were an educator right?????

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