Saturday, September 24, 2011

Nathan plays little League

OMG,  Nathan's first T ball game was today.  How did it go you ask.  It was apparent it was Nathan's first time playing T BALL.

First inning, Nathan is up to bat, he gets a HIT,  Yehhhh.  You would think good thing right?  Nathan drops the bat and runs, runs, to THIRD Base. Opps.

I guess no one including yours truly ever talked to him about the bases.

Second time up to bat, Nathan hits the ball, again... And instead of running to first base, he chases the ball into the field,,ay ay ay.

We aren't even discussing the outfield yet.  Apparently, Nathan is bored and decides to place his glove over his face.  No one told Nathan that when you cover your eyes, you can't see the ball coming at you either.  I can hear myself,  "NATHAN" get ready.
The game was only one hour long  but it was the longest, most tense hour of my life.  I know I know he is only four but give me a break.

It would have been hilarious if it wasn't my son in the field.  Not to mention as he is in the dug out, he starts talking to a girl.  All I can think is if you don't have game in the field, you don't have game at all.

Or maybe he does, he sure looked handsome in his uniform.

1 comment:

  1. Now all we have to do is to get him to run the bases in the right order
